Why The Hysteria Over Syria?

If you are new to this story, understand, what is happening in Syria has nothing to do with chemical weapons.

It also has nothing to do with dead civilians.

In recent years, your lawless federal government, US Inc., has killed thousands of innocent civilians with missile strikes, paid mercenaries and drone attacks. Obama authorizes these attacks regularly. You can be certain, collateral damage is not the issue.

And it also has nothing to do with a Syrian “civil war”.

What is happening in Syria is not a civil war. It is paid mercenaries (the rebels) trying to topple the Assad government. And it is US Inc. that is funding the “rebels”. Google it and see for yourself.

Here’s a couple of articles to get you started (Article I, Article II).

Does US Inc. running guns in support of mercenaries trying to topple governments surprise you? If it does, you need to spend a lot more time here and a lot less time in front of the television. Remember, there is a reason it is called the “boob-tube”.

By the way, this gun-running fact sheds a little light on the attack in Benghazi and the killings of four Americans. True, it doesn’t explain who did it. But now you can begin to understand why the supreme ruler and Central Planning blamed it on an amateur video.

After all, who in their right mind would come clean and confess the reason a covert intelligence agent—I’m sorry, an Ambassador—and his security team were killed was because they were running guns to mercenary misfits trying to topple governments in the Middle East. No, it is much easier to lay the blame on an amateur “B” movie that was apparently so bad it drove peaceful protestors insane enough to reach for their RPGs rather than their signs.

Ask yourself this: if China or Russia or some other “villainous” country was running guns here in America trying to topple your state or local government, how would you feel? Would you take action? Don’t these folks, watching US Inc. trying to topple government after government in the Middle East, have a right to be angry? Don’t they have the right to take action?

But let’s jump back to Syria.

If it isn’t the people rising up in a civil war against their government, and it is rather, US Inc. paying and supplying mercenaries to try to topple a government, then the next question to address is why it is happening, what has Syria done?

Remember when Israel and US Inc. went public with the sales pitch that Iran was building nuclear weapons? There were calls for an attack. Well, an attack didn’t happen but sanctions were imposed against Iran and the economy in that country has been hurt.

But last month, Iran, Iraq and Syria signed a deal to build a pipeline to give Iran direct access to Mediterranean ports, thereby allowing it easier access to Euro-asian markets. Increased access to markets means increased sales.

But why does US Inc., and its controller, Israel, care whether Iran can increase gas/oil sales?

Because in March of last year, Iran announced it was going to start side-stepping the petrodollar system and start doing oil deals in currency other than federal reserve notes (US dollars).

Well, for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other NWO elites, who reap trillions by controlling the petrodollar system, this was way too much to handle. So Iran got put on the hit list.

Israel, the criminal capital for the NWO, and US Inc., the enforcement arm, work together. The relationship is just like Republicans and Democrats. It is the “good cop, bad cop” routine played out on the world stage.

In this case, Israel calls for blood—an attack on Iran because it will soon have nukes. The excuse has to be nukes, of course, because how can you justify pummeling Iran into the stone age just for selling its oil to China for yuan or Russia for rubles or Japan for yen? You can’t. So Iran has to become a nuclear villain.

Then, at the very next press conference, US Inc. takes the stage and announces its concern and calls for sanctions. These sanctions are put in place to punish Iran and hopefully, force it back into the petrodollar system.

But, let’s face it, if you are part of the NWO cabal, you know you have a long-term problem. Sanctions alone won’t do the trick. Iran is a big country. It sells a lot of oil. And selling oil outside the petrodollar system cuts into your profits. It cramps your life-style. It is unacceptable.

In fact, you have already showed the world this is unacceptable behavior. You whacked Saddam in Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya for the same offense–stepping outside the petrodollar system.

Obviously, these messages went unheard, as apparently these mud-blood leaders in other countries just don’t get it. So, rather than an individual assassination, perhaps it is time to take down a country and send an unmistakable message to leaders around the world—fuck with our cash and not only will we whack you and your family, but we’ll destroy your country, too. Syria has been targeted because it gets the NWO cabal on the door-step of Iran.

Most of the world’s countries have turned against the NWO banksters (research BRICS for more information). Russia, as an example, paid them in full a few years back and Putin has been a thorn in their side ever since. And just a week or so ago, Hungary threw them out. The world has come to see them as the lying, cheating thieves and mass murderers that they are. It is only in NWO controlled countries, like America, where the masses still regularly fall for the ruse.

Now these countries can’t match the military might of US Inc., so a fight is out of the question. But the flow of money, on the other hand, can be altered, manipulated or shut off. And a major step to shutting off the cash flow to the NWO cabal is doing oil deals outside the petrodollar system.

This, crusaders, is what the Syria situation is all about.

The world is trying to use currency other than dollars to drive the NWO criminals into bankruptcy and submission. At the same time, the NWO inbreds are trying to force the world to keep using their money—to ensure profits forever—and will kill people and destroy countries to get their way.

Iran is the true target. Syria provides very convenient access.

Here at home, Secretary of Hate John Kerry, representing the cabal and showing off his sub-par facelift in HD for the world to see, gave a poor speech late last week and toured the propaganda press shows over the weekend to try to sell the sheeple on more US Inc. violence.

Unable to provide specific reasons why dead civilians in Syria pose a “national security threat” to Americans, Kerry relied on name-calling (Assad is a “thug and murderer”), and emotionally charged phrases (it was an “indiscriminate, inconceivable horror of chemical weapons) in his sales pitch. He provided no proof that it was Syrian government forces that passed the gas, none, just claims and accusations.

Perhaps it is just me, but the claim that “Syria has gassed its own citizens” sounds a lot like the claim that “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” or “Iran is minutes away from deploying a nuclear missile”. To me, claims and accusations carry much more weight when there is evidence to back them up. How about you?

What about the pictures of the victims?

Well, as it turns out, in an attempt to support the Secretary of Hate, the government goons within Central Planning circulated fake photos to reference the chemical carnage. Check that–the pictures are not fake–the photos are real–they just document the dead of Iraq in 2003, not gas victims in Syria.

But, hey—you say “to-may-to”, I say “to-mah-to”—dead people are dead people, right? Who cares that they are different victims from a different country that died from different events a decade ago.

Is this an intentional act by US Inc. to deceive the American public or just bumbling bureaucrats?

I’ll let you decide.

But it does remind me of when the propaganda press showed the innocent victim in Palestine that, after the camera man got his video shot, got up off the stretcher and walked away (LINK) or when the propaganda press used a different school to document Sandy Hook events (LINK) or when the BBC announced that Building 7 had collapsed during the 9/11 attack — almost 30 minutes before it actually did (LINK).

Using fake pictures to support a fake claim makes sense to me.

And why would the Syrian government, known for months to be pushing the paid mercenaries back, resort to chemical warfare? Why violate the supreme ruler’s “red line” and risk drawing more US Inc. resources into the fight? Assad and his merry men are winning. It is a well documented fact that they have hammered the “rebels” in cities like Aleppo, Qussair, Homs and elsewhere. Why invite more foreign intervention? This move makes no sense.

But what does make sense, especially if you are trying to topple a government and you are getting your ass kicked, is to run a false-flag operation, gas some mud-bloods, blame the other guys and then turn to the American sheeple and try to bilk them out of billions so you can step up the conflict.

You have to escalate it. The guys you are illegally funding aren’t getting the job done and it’s been a couple of years now. The longer this takes the more likely the American public will find out it is US Inc. behind this “civil war”.

It’s clear machine guns, rifles and grenades aren’t going to take down the Assad government. Obviously, larger weaponry (missiles) is needed. But, since you already sold the public on the idea that this is a Syrian “civil war”, you need an excuse to introduce the larger weapons. Even sheeple know you can’t just stick your nose into another country’s civil war. Thus, the chemical attack and cover story.

There are plenty of reports that indicate it was the “rebels” that actually used the gas. Of course, they aren’t carried by the propaganda press but if you dig deeper than Fox or CNN or CBS, you’ll find them. Indeed, Veterans Today, as well as some other online news sites, has run a series of articles drawing attention to this.

I don’t have all the answers but I offer these points for your consideration regarding Syria and why the supreme ruler and Secretary of Hate have recently started to pound their chests. Is it really about dead civilians? Is it really about a chemical attack? Or is the back story just a wee-bit more complex?

Think about these points and come to your own conclusion. Sniff around a bit. Follow your nose.

But for the record, when I inhale deeply, I smell bullshit.


Just How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole In America?

Worldwide, financial watchdogs are barking for banks to restructure and hold more capital. This, of course, beats and batters a bank’s bottom line. As a result, investors are put off. Can you blame them? The robust returns of the past have been hurt badly. Let’s face it, buying bank stock just ain’t what it used to be.

Simultaneously, trading fees are falling. Deals are drying up. The huge salaries within the industry have become a liability since taxpayers were forced to provide banks with billions in bailout bucks. And scandals are, it seems, uncovered every week. Let’s face it, being a bank just ain’t what it used to be, either.

As a result of all this, banks are contracting and handing out pink-slips to employees.

“Of the 29 [major] banks, from Europe’s biggest bank HSBC to U.S. investment bank Morgan Stanley,” according to Reuters, ” just over 83,700 net jobs have been lost since 2009.”

In the same article, Reuters reports that since early 2011, “major banks have announced some 160,000 job cuts since early last year and with more lay-offs to come as the industry restructures, many will leave the shrinking sector for good as redundancies outpace new hires by roughly two-to-one.”

Recall back in September when Bank of America announced it was chopping 16,000 jobs by year end and perhaps as many as 30,000 before the ax swinging stopped.

And today, the Telegraph is reporting “Barclays could slash as many as 2,000 jobs from its investment banking arm as part of a broad restructuring of the company.”

That is about 10% of Barclay’s full-time investment banking workforce.

So, the story is that thin profits, restrictive regulation, scarce deals and soiled reputations have forced the banking industry into contraction.

It makes sense. But could there be more going on here?

Let’s consider a few things.

Major countries outside of the West—China, Russia, India, Iran and others – have decided to do oil transactions outside the petro-dollar system. This is significant. America’s economy and the bankster’s profits are directly tied to the petro-dollar transaction. We know Bush, taking orders from the banksters, turned the rule of Saddam Hussein into rubble because he side-stepped petro-dollars. The message was clear—do oil deals with petro-dollars or be purged from power. But that message was apparently missed by Libya leader Muammar Gaddafi. He side-stepped petro-dollars in his oil transactions, too. And so, just last year, our current presidential-puppet, again on behalf of the banksters, had Gaddafi hauled out into the street and shot like a dog—a public execution being a rock solid exclamation point, don’t you think?

And now we have Iran. You’ve been told they have nukes. No, sorry, they are developing nukes. They have enough material for 10 missiles. No, sorry, it is probably more like six weapons. Israel, or more specifically the Zionists, are screaming that we only have six months until boom day. Others claim it is several years. Still others, typically those not receiving bankster payoffs and funding, state Iran is developing nuclear power but not developing weapons.

Do you see the point? Is Iran developing nuclear weapons? We just don’t know. But we do know Iran is selling oil outside the petro-dollar system—just like Iraq and Libya did. Could the “Iran is getting nukes” story be just that—a story, an excuse—to ratchet up public opinion in the West, so the banksters can tell Obama to force Iran back onto petro-dollars or it will be destroyed?

Jump quickly back to Iraq. In 2000, Iraq starts conducting oil business outside the petro-dollar system. In 2001, we have the “terror attack” of 9/11 and Iraq is immediately linked to the terrorists. The claim is weak and has troubling gaining traction. What happens next? In 2002, Bush starts his anti-Iraq chest-beating tour because—suddenly—there are reports of WMD within Iraq. Unfortunately, the public buys this tall tale and by 2003, America is in Iraq.

Isn’t this similar to what is happening now regarding Iran? Is the West and Israel really worried about a nuclear threat? Or is it that the banksters are pissed at Iran for cutting into their profits and they mean to make them pay, one way or the other?

But what does this have to do with global bank layoffs and contractions?

Well, in defiance of all the chest-beating, the countries doing oil deals outside the petro-dollar system are still doing oil deals outside the petro-dollar system. And apparently they mean to keep doing them because Russia has stepped in and said it will protect Iran.

By the way, if you didn’t know, the Russian debt owed to the Rothschild web of banks is paid in full. Russia is now ranked third in the world, behind Japan and China, as they possess approximately $277 billion in reserves. By contrast, we owe $16 trillion.

So, are we seeing the world’s largest banks contract and layoff people all over the world because of bad economic times? Or, could it be that much of the world has decided that it is time to close the books on the banksters? Perhaps it is only horrific economic times in Europe and America—countries controlled by the banksters. After all, China, Japan and Russia have money. Europe doesn’t. We don’t.

Could it be that the bailouts here in America were a scam—a theft perpetrated by our lawless federal government — to take our money and give it to the banksters because they are feeling the squeeze? Perhaps the endless banking scandals are the result of the banksters perpetrating fraud because they are desperate for cash. Could it be that there is a movement—official or unofficial—by non-Western societies to hurt the balance sheets of the banksters to bring them down?

Think about it. To stay in control the banksters need just two things. They need debt as money (the federal reserve note, our dollar) and they need everyone using it. They control the Federal Reserve so printing money, that is, “reserve notes” is a snap. But what good is the ability to print debt-dollars if no one is going to use them? You also need demand.

As for world demand for the debt-dollar, that is what the petro-dollar system was designed to do—make the world use “dollars” to sell and buy oil—create an artificial demand. And if anyone rejects it, like Iraq and Libya, then the banksters use the US military to remind these forgetful folks of the importance of petro-dollar transactions.

But if that demand falls off, where can they go? They really can’t turn here. They just robbed us. That is what the “financial crisis” was all about. And because the banksters and the politicians that they own have destroyed our economy as well as our retirement accounts, it will take decades for that wealth to be re-acquired – if it ever is. No, from a bankster’s perspective, America is just about used up.

So, if the outside world knows the American peasants have been plucked clean, then they also know it is now their money the banksters seek. And if they realize this and they want to stop it, then it makes sense to not do petro-dollar transactions, regardless of the threats.

So what do you think–just how deep is this rabbit hole?

Is rejecting the petro-dollar really a movement, organized or not, to rid the world of the tyrannical behavior from elite banking families like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Soros and their lesser known associates? We know Russia paid Rothschild in full, wiped their hands clean and walked away. Putin has bad-mouthed the NWO in numerous speeches. He has also said he will step in to protect Iran if necessary. Additionally, if you read between the lines or if you can escape the propaganda bubble, you’ll discover much of the griping in the Middle East is directed at Zionists, not Jews. They are different. Could it be that much more of the world than we know is actually against the NWO — or at least against the banksters promoting it?

Could it be that folks in Asia or Russia actually know what is going on and are taking action, while you and I and all the American peasants sit on our hands and look through the wrong end of the telescope? How embarrassing would that be?

Might our country ultimately be saved then, not by its flabby, selfish, ignorant and unmotivated citizens, but by an outside world that has decided to do what America will not—save itself. We, as a people, were given the Constitution, the stated right to confront tyranny and remove traitors, and yet, we fail again and again and again to use it. How else do you explain the freedom of Bush, Clinton, Obama, Boehner, McCain, Reid, Pelosi and every other political scoundrel, when we all know they really should be jailed for treason? Unfortunately, it seems the modern American would rather carry a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag than do some actual treading upon. Sadly, to the rest of the world, we probably look pretty foolish.

Even more bizarre, could America’s salvation from bankster and political corruption actually come from countries—China, Russia, Iran, etc. — that we have been indoctrinated to demonize? Could wonderland be this strange?


Clearly, the bank contractions and layoffs are just a sign of tough times.


It’s Inevitable…

Did you hear the food stamp presidency is confirmed? That’s right, crusaders, it is official.

A new report put out yesterday by the U.S. Census Bureau proves American households on food stamps increased in 2011 by about 10 percent over 2010.

But the good news isn’t just related to household participation.

Individual participation, a different statistic than household participation, has increased every year since Obama took office. The 33. 5 million participants during fiscal year 2009 jumped dramatically to 40. 3 million in 2010 and surged again to 44. 7 million participants in 2011. As of August 2012, there were 47. 1 million individual food stamp participants.

Can we expect it to improve?

Unless you’ve been hibernating, you know the “fiscal cliff” is looming. What you may not realize is that both parties—if you believe there are two parties—can actually benefit politically by allowing automatic tax hikes and spending cuts to occur. Think about it. What side can you blame if, because they can’t reach a deal, the tax hikes and spending cuts occur automatically? Perhaps you’ve heard select individuals from both sides floating this idea in the press.

Remember, too, Obama called off his EPA Army prior to the election to keep energy related headlines out of the papers. But don’t think for a second that Lisa Jackson wasn’t developing more regulations. When these are unrolled more plants will close and energy prices will increase. There are pending gasoline regulations that will raise the price at the pump, too. Obviously, these things will further extract money from your wallet.

And because the Federal Reserve continues to flood the economy with dollars, the little money you have left—after shelling out for gas, utilities, taxes and life—will be worth even less.

As you might expect, all this will make for a terrific 2013. And if you can successfully budget your way through all that, you get Obama-care in 2014.

So, as the peasants continue to get steam-rolled by an abusive and lawless federal government, the question of whether food stamp participation will rise becomes a rather silly one, yes?

The better question is: when will you be signing up?

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Mainstream Media And The Illusion Of Reality

Did you hear about the news clip CNN ran late last week? The footage, supplied by Reuters and picked up by CNN, was of a Palestinian man injured by recent missile strikes conducted by the Israelis. A crowd gathers around the injured man, lifts him and hauls him away.

Except it was a staged event.

And hopefully by now you know that the mainstream media (MSM) basically ignored the Benghazi story and the scandalous deaths of four Americans for over a month prior to the election. Perhaps you recall earlier this year when NBC got caught selectively editing the 911 emergency call during the Trayvon Martin circus.

Of course, this slice and dice game, the intentional manipulation of details, is nothing new. Thankfully, more and more Americans are learning the secrets and tactics of today’s media.

The fact is the establishment media is owned by just a handful of companies—Comcast (NBC); Newscorp (Fox, Wall Street Journal, NY Post); Disney (ABC, ESPN); Viacom (BET, MTV, Nick Jr); Time Warner (CNN, Time, HBO); CBS (60 Minutes, Showtime).

According to Businessinsider.com, that’s down from about 50 companies since the early 1980’s. As a result, virtually all the news you hear or see comes from these six sources. And Obama is supporting further contraction.

These companies decide not only what stories you will hear but how loud the message will be and when you will hear it. Worse, this “news” isn’t presented with objectivity, a critical element of genuine journalism. There is spin, opinion and rhetoric woven into the stories. And, as the CNN and NBC examples prove, important details are often intentionally fabricated or lifted out of stories to further persuade the American peasants into particular outlooks or opinions.

In today’s America, all our politicians and most major corporations and institutions work with media consultants, interact regularly with media big-shots or dedicate resources to maintain media departments. By the time any given message reaches you it has been evaluated, changed and polished at numerous editorial levels. Factors such as when the message is delivered and how often it will be repeated have been meticulously considered. In a very real sense, you are seeing and hearing exactly what they want you to see or hear, when they want you to hear or see it.

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. – J. Edgar Hoover

Even the most rabid news junkies, if they rely predominantly on the mainstream media, are actually still in the dark. These readers may possess incredible detail relating to any particular narrative but all that minutia is worthless if the story is a fabrication from the start. What good is it to know, for example, that protestors were outside the Benghazi consulate at 7:30 PM, if protestors were never really there at all?

That the media giants have moved from objective reporting into developing, shaping and managing public opinion is bad enough. But because politicians must have their support, the media has become an active participant in American politics. They are no longer watch dogs holding politicians accountable. At best they are cheerleaders rooting for one side or the other. At worst, they are actively engaged, intentionally slanting or editing details to help bring about victory. One can make the argument that the mainstream media has now won, or has been a significant factor in determining the winner, of the last two elections.

You can, with a high degree of confidence, call the mainstream media a propaganda press.

What can be done?

Well, if we want our country back, crusaders, the dismantling of the propaganda press is a fight we must win. Stop buying most of your newspapers and cancel most of your subscriptions. The propaganda press deserves neither your time nor your money. Stop watching or severely limit your exposure to network and cable news and the “morning” shows. MSNBC and CNN are struggling badly right now because viewership is down big time. Boycott the products of advertisers that use the propaganda press when you can. If you can let them know why you’re doing it, even better. Damage advertising dollars and you will force change.

Currently, the internet is our most valuable tool. The media (and their politicians) know this. Do not allow them to control it, for any reason — especially “national security.”

Use the web and expose yourself to “alternative” media and writers. Consider going beyond just reading. Help them do what they want to do — spread legitimate information. Assist them, if you can, with financial donations, or story leads or supporting materials.

You can introduce into your reading news from sources outside America. You will be surprised — and sometimes horrified — at what you will learn about your country from people who view America from outside our limited media bubble.

And most importantly, use your brain — think for yourself.

(For more ownership detail of television, print and telecommunications visit HERE.)

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Is There A Darker Side To The Patraeus Scandal?

The idea that retired General David Patraeus has been suddenly “caught” in an affair so scandalous it warrants his resignation is preposterous. Men and women of power and celebrity have entourages. They have groupies. A little bump and grind is one of the perks of power.

The guy is a retired career military man. He was the Director of the CIA. He was a man of power, a man with personal connections. He was a man with government resources at his disposal.  Do you actually believe this kind of man is going to resign because of an affair?

Behind the curtain, propagandists constantly use the “sex scandal” and “lone gunman” story to explain events. So predictable is this, it is laughable. That the American sheeple buy into these manufactured soap operas time and time again, is just sad.

What about Paula Broadwell? She is not just some freelance writer that landed a man of elite power for a biography. We know she is a West Point graduate. She has a master’s degree in international security. She has active-duty military experience. Have you seen her? She’s fit and ripped. She once considered joining the FBI. There’s little doubt she has an active role within the military or intelligence community.

And Jill Kelley, the “victim” of threatening emails, is more than a Florida socialite. She got an appointment as honorary Korean consul in Florida. It seems she regularly hobnobs within the Florida political circles.

And what about the other top dogs that have recently been put down? The casualty list includes Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak. Did you know about them?

On October 27, ABCnews ran a story about Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette getting yanked off an aircraft carrier patrolling the waters of the Middle East due to an investigation regarding “inappropriate leadership judgment”. Conveniently, no other details were provided.

On October 31, the DOD issued a press release regarding General Ham’s departure. In it, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, felt compelled to say that “The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command due to events in Benghazi, Libya, on [Sept. 11,] 2012 is absolutely false,” he said. “General Ham’s departure is part of routine succession planning that has been ongoing since July.”

And it was reported by CBS that on November 2, Commander Darlak was relieved of duty for throwing a big bash on his big boat.

Hearings began November 5, against Brigadier General Sinclair. RT.com ripped him up big time in a piece dated November 6, hinting he is a power-crazed sex fiend. In fact, so serious is this that the AP reported “Eugene R. Fidell of Yale Law School expects the case to lead to a reduction in rank and forced retirement for Sinclair.” Apparently, Sinclair’s fiendish sexual behavior is just too sick and twisted for a jail cell. No, it is much better to force his retirement and have him prowl the population.

So, we have a General close to Benghazi announce a “routine” retirement. We have a Rear Admiral patrolling waters in the Middle East removed for an “inappropriate leadership” investigation. We have a party animal that turned his ship into Animal House. We have a sex fiend and now we have Patraeus, the unfaithful husband. All unfolding within about six weeks.

Is all this just an unconnected series of events or is this an orchestrated purging?

Well, let’s think it through. What type of activity warrants the removal of a General, Admiral, Commander and a CIA Director?

A fight over entitlement policy at a White House dinner party? A fight is a good start. But you need to push yourself a little more. How about a fight over power and influence within the top levels of our government and military?

Now we’re getting somewhere.

And to whom do all these men answer? The Commander-in-Chief, of course, the supreme ruler himself.

So it seems President Obama may have purged some top military men and his CIA Director. But why?


Perhaps. Four Americans are dead. Something went horribly wrong. There is talk of gun-running. There is also talk that the Benghazi annex was actually a CIA take and torture facility, pardon me, detain and question facility. There is also the story that Ambassador Stevens was killed accidentally during a false flag kidnapping. Obama was going to “rescue” the Ambassador in October to pump up Americans for their vote. Whatever the real story, Benghazi was scandalous. Is Obama, as a good guy, dumping Petraeus and the others — cleaning house, so to speak — because of ineptitude and incompetence? That story works. Obama lovers will buy into that.

The great thing is you can flip it, too. The administration has been ducking the issue for two months. Maybe the false flag kidnapping is closer to the truth. Perhaps Obama is the bad guy and it was his dreadful mistake(s) regarding Benghazi that led to the deaths and he feels to survive politically, he needs to purge the men that know the details. That story works. Obama detractors will buy into that.

Either scenario works, doesn’t it? Is it A or B?

And it is that choice, A or B, that is the best indicator that all this probably has very little to do with Benghazi.

It is the classic presentation of false choices. You’re dedicating your time trying to solve for A or B, but you forget that A and B were presented to you as your choices, so you do not explore option C. Or option D.

Shall we go there?

If Benghazi has nothing or very little to do with the purge, what else could be the spark? We know the combatants are Obama versus some military men. Could Obama’s power have been threatened? Could these military men have concluded that Obama’s unconstitutional ways and his lawless government have gone too far? Perhaps, as part of their oath to protect America, they were conspiring to remove Obama from power. But before they met with success Obama discovered the plot and the purge began. In short, was there an attempted coup d’état?

Outrageous? Not really. Do you actually think America is immune to the struggle over power? American presidents and elite political leaders — Lincoln, Garfield, JFK, King, Malcolm X, RFK and others — have been and will continue to be assassinated. And if you actually believe the absurd “lone gunman” scenarios the propaganda press slaps on each and every one of these assassinations, stop here and re-join the herd of sheeple at the barn because you are part of the problem. The destruction of political rivals is part of the power game.

Politics is just as dirty in America as any other country. It is probably worse given the country’s global stature. The only difference between the American political power struggle and those of other countries is that the media in America is a vast propaganda machine. It is an active player within the struggle for power.

Ultimately, a coup is just as credible a scenario as the “Benghazi purge” or the “series of random events” scenario. It is actually more credible if you admit to yourself the media is participating in the power struggle for America and therefore it has a vested interest in distorting details, spinning events and keeping you in the dark.

And by the way, you can flip this “topple Obama” scenario, too. What if Obama, Petraeus and the others are all actually on the same team? That would mean there is another team, somewhere within the military and intelligence community, that is initiating these scandals to try to bring them all down. If this is the case, then this team seems to be making progress.

Is the Petraeus scandal and the recent military purges the result of  Obama removing incompetent men? Or is Obama at fault and he is purging men with direct knowledge of his miss-steps? Is Benghazi, although a real event, being used as a side-show to hide Americans from the fact that there is a very serious and dangerous internal struggle for power occurring within their government? Or, as the media portray it, is the downfall of a General, Admiral, Commander and CIA Director just unrelated events that happen to occur within six weeks of each other?

Which scenario do you think Russia, China, Israel, Britain and the rest of the world believe?

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Obama Orders Institutionalized Private Sector Spying

As is his habit to avoid public outcry during the work week news cycle, on Friday, October 26, the supreme ruler signed another executive order giving Big Brother more authority to stick his nose into your life.

The Homeland Security Partnership Council will allow the Department of Homeland Security to infuse itself into local government and private enterprises thus creating a spy network that will allow snort and sniff behaviors within schools, community groups, local institutions and businesses.

The purpose of this order is to maximize the Federal Government’s ability to develop local partnerships in the United States to support homeland security priorities…to use resources more efficiently, build on one another’s expertise, drive innovation, engage in collective action, broaden investments to achieve shared goals.

In street language this means Homeland Security will use private sector expertise (sales and marketing databases, membership lists, security cameras, etc) to support “homeland security priorities” (spying on citizens) and will spend money (broaden investments) to do it. Note that the order actually states the phrase “engage in collective action.”

The idea that records from Amazon or Walmart, private clubs, banks, churches, hobby shops, schools, shopping mall stores and so on will now be tied into Homeland Security is creepy stuff.

And check out this nugget, “”[W]e must institutionalize an all-of-Nation effort to address the evolving threats to the United States,”

The government is going to institutionalize domestic spying using private sector resources. This should send a shiver down your spine. Think on it for a moment. How many discount cards do you or your spouse have? How many times do you provide your zip code, or phone number, or email address when you purchase something? And don’t forget all your financial transactions. All of it now in the hands of government.

There are no requirements for evidence, charges or warrants. They get your information simply because they declare they do. No matter how you slice it, monitoring phone calls and emails and compiling what, where and when a citizen buys something is not the role of a constitution-based government. This is serious stuff.

But it is not surprising.

Just this year, the government has passed a law that allows the supreme ruler to select citizens for detention or assassination. He must have this ability for “national defense”, don’t you know. In February, conducting protests too close to a government official or event (conveniently the distance isn’t defined) was outlawed.

In March, the supreme ruler signed an executive order giving himself the authority to take over all national resources (water, food, industry, etc.), again, as long as he says it is for “national defense.” And during the summer, Big Brother declared he could appoint more government officials without confirmation hearings. There are more examples but you get the point. It has been a good year for tyrannical government.

Big Brother is out of control, crusaders. Open your eyes. The police state is here, the clampdown is occurring. The question is when will you admit it to yourself?

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Dealing With The Post-Election Blues

The election loss hurt, yes? Many of you poured your heart and soul into it. Dedicating that much time and emotional commitment into something without getting a payoff is painful. I know of a conservative writer that was so emotionally devastated that she announced yesterday she is unplugging her keyboard and walking away. And just this morning, I received an email from a conservative blogger that has made a similar decision. His blog will go dormant as of today.

Clearly, Mitt Romney and the defeated Republican congressional candidates are not the only casualties of this fight.

Your frustration and sense of loss is understandable.

How can we have four years of 8% unemployment, three consecutive $1 trillion deficits, $6 trillion added to the national debt and the man in charge actually keeps his job? How can you have a majority of people claim they are against Obama-care yet the individual most responsible for it, gets re-elected? It is bewildering.

Even seasoned professionals were at a loss. Yesterday, a national conservative voice was lamenting we had lost our country.

And Sean Hannity promoted the idea that government is only a piece of your life therefore, deal with it and move on. The problem with that is Hannity has a nice six figure job. For the near future, regardless of who is president, he can still buy his steak, take his luxury vacations, keep his kids in private school and pay his mortgage. Many of us cannot.

Government is indeed only a part of everyone’s life. The problem is Big Brother is becoming a larger part of everyone’s lives and he is oppressive by nature. Four more years is a long time to worry about paychecks. And if the day arrives when Hannity is forced from the airwaves by a government that chokes off free speech, he has less to fear because he has accumulated his millions. Frankly, given his financial situation, he has a lot of nerve promoting the idea we should let this defeat roll off our shoulders. From a man that makes his very living from advertising dollars generated by our listening ears, the idea is as hypocritical as it is insulting. Yesterday, I was forced to turn him off.

But Hannity isn’t–and will not be–the only one calling for restraint. It is now, while you are exhausted and empty, when you can expect more attacks. A herd of RINOs, the Left and all manner of talking-head opportunists will try to re-sell the “anti-conservative” narrative. You have heard it before—that conservatives must re-think their positions or the tea party is too radical or it is destroying the Republican party and so and on. This is guaranteed. The propaganda press will see to it. But do not be fooled. It is a tactic. This is what they do. And Obama and the Democrats are likely to push some initiative or make a political play. You are an enemy and you are tired and vulnerable and they will try to turn the screws.

It is because these bugs will come out of the cracks that you know conservatives are on the right path. We are still a threat. Merely flip the coin, crusaders, and you will see the other side.

Yes, we lost the 2012 presidential election. But, we have not lost our country. That may happen but it did not occur Tuesday. Consider we had a “Massachusetts moderate” as our presidential candidate. Some will claim that establishment Republicans coordinated that — forced Romney upon us, so to speak. Perhaps. But it is irrelevant. And here is a critical point–we don’t have a conservative candidate ready yet. We are just three years-old. To think we could just insert a candidate into the presidential race is naive. A run at the presidency is the big time. And to be successful, certain requirements must be met.

First, a candidate must be identified and elected to office. This is not as easy as it sounds. Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock and other “tea party” candidates demonstrate this.

Once elected, they have to serve some time. Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and many others were not ready for the 2012 presidential race. Michelle Backmann and Rick Santorum went for it. Each had a few powerful moments but ultimately, most of you would agree, neither was ready. However, lots of these folks will be ready for 2016. Still, even after seasoning up a bit, these politicians must also want to run for president. Some do and some don’t. Developing a presidential candidate takes some time. But that doesn’t mean conservatives can’t throw their weight around while we wait.

And we have. As a candidate, Romney knew who was buttering his bread. He put on the conservative suit during the primaries. It just didn’t fit real well. Romney did his best so do not fault him. But a RINO or a moderate is not a conservative. Our language just doesn’t roll off their tongues in meaningful and persuasive ways. You can bet because of this some conservatives and libertarians stayed at home on election day. Unfortunately, when you’re playing a game for national power you need every single vote. And that brings us to the next point—our opponent.

Contrary to the ill-informed, Obama is no beginner. He may not have the career longevity of some of the ancient statues still in Washington, but he is no amateur. Team Obama is a political machine. They are politics every day, every hour and every minute. They play to win. You don’t get to the national level of power if you don’t play for keeps. Remember that Team Obama beat RINO McCain badly in the 2008 election and yet, our young movement almost bested them. Obama has an ego and no doubt, he felt secure going up against moderate Mitt representing a novice movement. One can argue this is the reason, or part of the reason, Obama failed to prepare for the first debate. But when he took a thumping, and our enthusiasm soared, Team Obama took notice. So, too, did the lame-stream media. And that is another consideration.

Our opponent in this election was helped considerably by the propaganda press. They wanted Obama to win and they acted that way. And like the two political parties, the media has been around a long time. They are veterans that know how to exploit every awkward comment or twist any vague concept. If you need proof, just ask Romney, Bachmann, Akin, Mourdock, Allen West and any other conservative what damage the bent and biased media can do. The media is also capable of hiding or spinning any events that hurt their candidate. Obama obviously benefited from this.

Yes, we lost. But not all is lost. The fact is, fighting against the bully pulpit and the Obama political machine and a heavily biased media is an uphill battle for the most seasoned politician. Our movement is only three years-old. We have had just two elections—2010 and 2012—and yet we have shaken Democrats and establishment Republicans to their core and we have rattled the pillars of power.

Yes, we lost this election. But just like Bunker Hill, Gettysburg and Normandy were all battles within a larger war, so too this election. The war we fight is the restoration of a constitutional America. Defeating Obama was one of many battles we will be required to fight. We are a young movement—enthusiastic and idealistic—and this loss hurts.

For now, step back if you need to, treat your wounds and re-charge your soul. Do not listen to the mocking from the Left. Disregard their teasing. Ignore any “advice” spewed forth by the propagandists about our political positions. Our tactics need a little improvement and our leaders need a little seasoning but our goal—a return to a constitutional America—is beyond reproach.

Follow I.M. Citizen at IMCitizen.net 

Critical Reminders Before You Vote

In a society that offers a 24/7/365 news cycle, four years is a long time. Indeed, for most of us, Obama’s first term has been an eternity. Before Tuesday’s epic election, all citizens should take some time and consider carefully the vote they will cast. With that in mind, and in hopes of sparking your memory, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Here are a few things that happened during Obama’s first term.

Let’s start where Obama started — healthcare. Remember the dirty deeds involved with the passage of Obamacare? It was truly a low in American politics. There was the Corn-husker Kickback. There was liberal demi-god, Dennis Kucinich, basically saying — even though I’m against it, I’m for it. Of course, political favors will change even a demi-god’s mind. The late Arlen Spector claimed he was promised increased political clout for his vote but after providing it, he got shafted. Think about that for a minute. Spector was a Republican that jumped to the Democrats. He was a turncoat. Yet once the liberals got his vote, they slit his throat. That’s how dirty this deal got.

Do you recall the stupid sales pitch that Obama-care made fiscal sense? The math wizards used 10 years of revenues versus just six years of expenses for that dandy. How about San Fran Nan’s insightful nugget about how Obama-care had to be passed before the people can see what’s in it? As if it was a present waiting under the tree. Crafty one, she is. Little did we know the pretty paper and ribbon was hiding incomparable tax hikes and bureaucratic death panels. Is it starting to come back you?

The Obamacare circus was an insanely partisan environment. Not one Republican in the Senate voted for it. The House of Representatives has had 33 votes to repeal it. The citizenry was so rip-shit when it passed, that numerous Democrats that supported the bill were voted out during the mid-term elections of 2010. By the way, demi-god Denny got changed out too – he lost his seat at the table earlier this year.

But politicians aren’t the only thing that has changed—so has the price tag. Obamacare was originally said to be a $900 billion pursuit. The last analysis came in at over $2.6 trillion. Ultimately, it is a massively huge tax hike. But we have to have a massively huge tax hike because the $700 billion Obama stole from Medicare just isn’t enough to fund it.

Obamacare is a bad law rammed through by liberal-progressive zealots and it is filled with political poison. Consider that retiring Democrats, as if giving their last confession, have spoken out against it. So bad is Obama-care, unions and businesses that support Democrats demanded exemptions from it. Which, of course, they were given because you can’t jeopardize those campaign contributions, now can you? Obamacare has forced businesses to stop hiring and halt expansion. Numerous states have revolted against it because they are revolted by it. All of this is not anti-Obamacare spin. This is documented reality. In June, Chief Justice Roberts’ ruling basically told us that to rid ourselves of Obamacare, we must rid ourselves of Obama. Well, that time has arrived.

But there are many more sweet memories to cherish from Obama’s first term. It’s well known that Obama has violated the constitution numerous times. Legal scholars have been crying foul almost from his inauguration day. He stands at the podium and talks of love of country but undermines or ignores his constitutional responsibilities. His two-faced behavior was never more evident than when, after blathering on and on about his grave concerns regarding the law, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). As a reminder, this law allows the president, on just his say, to target American citizens for detention and hold them indefinitely or to actually have them killed. Incidentally, Obama signed this law under cover of New Year’s eve and a holiday. Political cowardice? You tell me.

This is a president that has made illegal appointments during congressional recess, granted amnesty to illegal immigrants and has directed the DOJ not to enforce laws on the books. If you do your research, you will find that some scholars rate George Bush’s constitutional behavior as quite poor. You will also find that others feel Obama’s record is worse. Combine these two presidential terms and we have twelve years of presidential government that routinely violates the constitution. If nothing else, Obama needs to be fired to send the message to future presidents that this will not stand. Dictators and tyrants be warned. The citizens have had enough of constitutional violations, unresponsive government and political corruption.

And speaking of corruption—we have Solyndra, Energy Conversion Devices, Raser Technologies and numerous other “green” businesses that have put us in the red. Obama gave political friends truck loads of cash that has ended in hundreds of billions in losses to American tax payers. There is also the on-going Delphi Pension scandal where, as part of the auto bailout, non-union workers lost huge chunks of their pensions while the pensions of union workers went untouched. Does Obama plays favorites?

And some of his favorites are dangerous. He grants government access to individuals and organizations that have been determined by a court of law to support terrorism. The propaganda press hides it from us. But it is true. What is also true is that scandals involving money and political favoritism are one thing. Scandals that result in the deaths of Americans are something else.

Operation Fast and Furious cost Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry his life. And the killing of ICE Special Agent Jaime Zapata is also suspected to be the result of a Fast and Furious gun. This scandal remains unresolved because the supreme ruler claimed executive privilege to stop the investigation. Could it have reached him? It seems likely. And of course we have the Benghazi consulate attack.

There were four Americans killed in Libya on September 11th when the US consulate was attacked by men armed with guns, rocket propelled grenades and mortars. These details were included in the very first news reports. Yet, instead of standing tall and assuming responsibility as a real leader would, Obama shunned accountability. He misled the American people by claiming the assault was the result of disgruntled protestors upset by an insignificant and amateurish anti-Muslim video.

The details continue to trickle in but to date we know the administration knew almost from the start that the attack was preplanned. We know that personnel within the consulate sent numerous requests for additional protection well in advance of the attack. All of these requests were denied. We also know some security personnel, as the attack was unfolding, were inexplicably ordered to stand down. They didn’t. They fought and ultimately gave their lives to protect others. Meanwhile, tucked safely away in Washington, Obama and his administration have displayed shameful behavior. Clearly, if Obama intentionally misled the public he should be fired. And if you negate malicious intent, then the incompetence displayed by Obama to protect Americans are the grounds for his dismissal.

But there are other gems that should be considered before you vote. For instance, the country’s credit rating was down-graded under Obama’s watch. The first and only time this has occurred. Recall the debt ceiling battles when House Speaker John Boehner said an agreement was reached but then fell apart because Obama moved the goal posts. And even after changing the game, it was Obama that walked from the table, like a spoiled child taking his ball and running home.

Obama has proven himself to be among the most, if not the most, anti-business president in the history of the country. Statements like you didn’t build that and the economy is doing fine are more demonstrative of his disdain for business and capitalism than they are verbal miscues.

It is no secret that the supreme ruler has decided that he—not private industry—should determine America’s energy future. He has created a militaristic EPA that takes more pride in shutting down power plants than working to plan out a realistic future for America. Contrary to his debate lies, he has severely restricted oil permits for drilling. He also rejected the Keystone pipeline. His “green” agenda has closed hundreds of coal plants. This has forced t he price of energy up but worse, it has destroyed the lives of thousands of citizens that rely on the coal industry. And as you know, when plants and coal mines close the restaurants, stores and other small businesses supported by them start to suffer. It is a Domino Effect that can destroy towns. West Virginia in particular has been hammered mercilessly. The pain within West Virginia is so acute and the bitterness is so severe they gave almost half of their Democratic primary votes to a convicted criminal rather than Obama. Hopefully, on November 6th, with your help, they will see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

But his wrath is not just directed at oil and coal. Any business is fair game. Recall the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) brought suit against Boeing because it wanted to build a “non-union” factory in South Carolina. It is just coincidence that after Boeing gave a machinists union a new four-year contract extension the NLRB dropped the case? Gibson Guitar Corp., a guitar manufacturer owned by a Republican contributor, was targeted, raided and its assets confiscated. After months of legal hearings and business interruption, the case was dropped. Gibson was fined $350,000 big ones and spent some $2 million defending itself. Who knows how much money they lost in sales. Lawsuits against businesses and states are a regular tactic used by Obama to get his way. You can look all this up.

His goal is to grow government, not business. His goal is to expand entitlements, not the American economy. He bad mouths the rich implying they all cheated to make their money. He is a classic tax and spend guy that will fund anything with other people’s money as long as it buys him a vote. His approach to leveling the playing field is not to raise people up. Rather, it is to force people down. Romney promotes the idea that he wants to help make everyone rich. Obama seeks a level playing field where everyone is poor. His spread the wealth philosophy is really spread the pain.

Every budget year credited to Obama has had a $1 trillion deficit. That is a staggering and horrifying situation. Try to name anyone working anywhere in any field that would retain his or her job after spending $1 trillion more than was brought in. Obama has done it year after year after year. Obama submitted a 2012 budget and it was rejected 97-0 in the Democrat-controlled Senate. In April, a proposal based upon an Obama 2013 budget plan lost in the House 414-0. His spending is out of control. Just for kicks, inform the government you can’t pay your taxes because you over-spent last year and see how it responds. And adding $6 trillion to the federal deficit in just one presidential term is an insult to each and every American citizen that will have to pay it back. And their kids. And their grandkids. And their great-grandkids.

But he cares not. American citizens are not his priority. But because we can stop him from meeting his priorities, he hides his socialist agenda as best he can. He spins stories and tells partial truths because if most of America knew what he was really up to, he would be out of a job faster than a West Virginia coal worker. And don’t think he doesn’t have an agenda. Remember, he got caught with an open-mic promising Russia “more flexibility” after he wins re-election. Ask yourself — if you have the courage — what else might he do after re-election? Another open mic incident let us know he true feelings toward Benjamin Netanyahu. Of course, we really didn’t need this dose of reality as he has stuck it to Israel regularly during his first term. But it’s nice to have it on record.

Let’s see, what else is there? Obama allowed Seal Team Six operational details to be leaked to try to glorify himself. Perhaps worse, he gave information to a movie crew about the bin-Laden operation so his hero narrative could be captured on film. Think of it, Obama’s daring and personal courage captured on celluloid. No doubt, because Hollywood worships him, it will be an Academy Award winner. But unearned admiration is nothing new for the anointed one. After being elected he earned a Nobel Peace Prize for — well, just because. Obama’s ego and pursuit of celebrity has few limits. His remembrance tribute at the passing of a real American hero, Neal Armstrong, included a picture of himself, not Armstrong.

But no matter how handsome the smile, or how “cool” the persona, it is a facade. Barack Obama is about himself, not the country. His first term and his re-election campaign have demonstrated that he is a small, petty and selfish man. It is now openly discussed within political circles that Obama is a square. He rarely meets with members in his own party and virtually never meets with Republicans. Even now, Democratic politicians across the country are livid because he refuses to support down-ballot campaigns. We know his jobs council hasn’t met since January 17th and that he skips out on his Presidential Daily Briefs (PDB). In September, Marc Thiessen at the Washington Post wrote, “Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent.” Imagine going to your job, if you’re lucky enough to have one, and blowing off more than half your meetings. How long would you last? This man didn’t even take the time to prepare for his first debate. Is this the type of guy you want running the country?

What we need to remember about Obama before we vote is what we have learned about Obama during his first term. He is a skilled orator, a mediocre politician and a poor leader. He is a political provocateur, not a statesman. Please, do yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors and your country a favor, vote for Mitt Romney so we can toss the Obama administration on the trash heap of history where it belongs.

Follow I.M. Citizen at IMCitizen.net 

Romney Stings Obama With “Apology Tour” Remark

During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney stung Obama when he stated that the president went on an apology tour and conveniently skipped Israel. You could tell immediately the comment hurt. And why wouldn’t it? It’s true. And as the cliche states — “the truth hurts.”

Attempting to ease the sting, Obama got a little bit uppity. He leaned in, elevated his voice and went into a denial and distort story about visiting Israel before he was the President of the United States. He rambled on, as he is prone to do, but ultimately skipped addressing the Israel slight or the numerous speeches he made about “America is bad and we’re sorry” during the apology tour.

Romney’s jab is significant because it showcases how Obama conducts his foreign policy — as an weakling.

Look at the Libya events that took place just last month. Obama and his administration spent numerous weeks stating the violence was sparked by an anti-Muhammad video and apologizing to the Middle East for it. During that time, not a word was mentioned about the concept of freedom of speech nor that Obama was intent on protecting it.

Authorities actually approached Google (the owner of You Tube) and requested they squash access to the video. Isn’t that censorship? Consider, too, that the video-maker was identified, detained, questioned and even forced to do the “perp-walk” in front of national media. All this because he made a video. But making amateurish videos is not against the law. Nor is criticism or making inflammatory remarks. Yet, as of today, more authority has come down upon our video-villain than on the militants that carried out the attack that killed four Americans.

And this is the problem with being an international weakling — you end up making America look bad by undermining our founding principles. The reality is those that hate us already see America as bad, depraved and evil. We are the Great Satan. Who would be so naive as to think that validating their outlook will change their minds? Erroneously acknowledge we are evil to those that portray us as evil and you re-enforce their outlook — you don’t alter it.

The sad reality is that Obama and his liberal-progressive, utopia-loving lunatics actually believe in the preposterous “we can all be friends” approach to foreign policy. And they’re so desperate to prove it correct that they have become blind to reality. As a result, when things go wrong they can’t blame the other party because that would be admitting we really can’t all be friends. This would invalidate their life view. So to perpetuate their adolescent outlook, they claim it must be something we did. In the case of Libya it is “that terrible video insulted people beyond their ability to be rational, that’s why they hurt us. Take away the video and we can still be friends.”

We just can’t make videos. Or openly critique Islam. Or call radical terrorists — radical terrorists. It is an immature and self-destructive outlook. America has a black president. It has a woman that runs the State Department. Americans believe in freedom of speech and equal rights. At the same time, there exist cultures in the world that shoot children for seeking an education, lock people in jail for bad-mouthing leaders and don’t allow women to drive. Yet, to the apologists, it is our values that create the problems of the world.

If you believe the Left, foreign policy was a feather in Obama’s cap. The “courageous” decision to kill Osama bin Laden and Obama’s “heroic” drone attacks were scenarios the Left could spin a narrative around as a reason for re-electing Obama. Better still, if the Right attacked his approach, the Left could counter by claiming apologies do work because Obama has kept us safe.

Unfortunately, the terror attack against the American consulate in Libya shows this narrative to be just another lie.

Do you think they will apologize?

Video — Some samples of Obama’s Apologies

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Obamacare And The Senior Swindle Scandal

Obamacare is in the news again and like so many previous stories, this one is scandalous, too.

The accusation, commonly called the Senior Swindle, is that to salvage votes from seniors, a large and reliable voting population, the Obama administration constructed a temporary payment program to funnel $8 billion to them between now and 2014. The payments hide the effects of Obamacare’s $200 billion in Medicare Advantage cuts. It’s the classic political game — pay them now, get their vote and stiff them later.

Now House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman, Darrell Issa, is squaring off with Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The reason for Issa’s beef is the reluctance of the Department of Health and Human Services to supply his office with documentation requested months ago. This is eerily similar to Issa’s confrontation with Attorney General Eric Holder during the investigation of Fast and Furious. Holder refused to provide documentation and it lead to a contempt of Congress vote against him. Obama stepped in and used executive privilege to provide additional cover for his keystone cop.

As for the bonus program, the administration says all is well.

“The quality bonus payment demo is providing incentives to more (Medicare Advantage) plans to improve care, giving more patients high-quality choices in the program,” said a written response to Fox News. “It is consistent with previous demos.”

Except the Government Accountability Office doesn’t necessarily agree with that outlook. Earlier this year the GAO questioned the legal authority of the program. The shortcomings highlighted by the non-partisan watch-dog included a lack of a control group, paying “bonuses” to average performing plans and an excessive focus on 2012 payments. Go figure.

The Weekly Standard reported in July, “the GAO also previously observed that the demonstration “does not…conform to the principles of budget neutrality.” That’s a polite way of saying that the administration is running up the national debt by another $8.35 billion in order to boost Obama’s reelection prospects.”

Chairman Issa claims the bonus payments mask 71% of the Medicare Advantage cuts that took place this year as required by Obama-care. In a demand letter to Sebelius, the chairman stated she had until Thursday to provide the documentation or his committee will move to subpoena.

This legislation is a disaster. There is no other way to say it. Against the will of the people, rabid, over-zealous liberal-progressives made back-room deals and twisted-arms to get votes to make this happen. Even today, more than 60% of Americans are still against it.

Obamacare has hurt the economy because employers have decided not to expand or hire since few people know the true ramifications of the behemoth law. And how could they? It wasn’t even written when it was passed. And the select few that do know the details are politicians willing to lie to the citizens to cover for the law.

Most doctors and nurses are against it. Virtually all medical industry endorsements for Obamacare were manufactured by sweet-heart deals. The law is so expensive unions and businesses that are Democrat supporters demanded — and were given — exemptions.

As Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney point out, it robs Medicare of about $700 billion. It introduces some 20 new taxes which represents perhaps the largest tax increase ever. This hurts citizens and businesses.

We now know there will be a shortage of doctors, premiums are increasing, companies are dropping their existing plans and death panels, pardon me, bureaucrats rationing heath services to keep costs down were part of the original plan.

Obamacare is a horrifically profane law sold to Americans with blatant lies. It is bad for the country and was fashioned by perverted politicians that care more about themselves and their progressive-socialist political ideology than the well-being of the America.

Like it or not, with his ruling this summer, Chief Justice Roberts forever tied the fate of Obamacare with Barack Obama. In order to rid yourself, your family and your country of this nightmare law known as Obamacare, you must rid yourself and your country of this nightmare politician known as Barack Obama.

It is that simple.

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Hillary Clinton Is Key To Unlocking Libya Scandal

If you listen to the talking heads, the prevailing wisdom regarding the Libya attack is that the Obama administration is showing itself to be incompetent. If true, of course, that could hurt Obama’s re-election chances. As a result, opponents of the administration are far too eager to try to exploit this opening. Unfortunately, these boob-tube babblers — there’s a reason television is called that — are wrong. Ditto for all the writers that present this idea.

Granted, at face value the events that have unfolded since the attack demonstrate inconsistency. That much is obvious. But that’s the point. It is too obvious. No politician — none — achieves the pinnacle of power without the appropriate support apparatus in place. We are not talking about local politics or someone that sits on a city council, we’re talking the halls of national power. It is like professional athletes. The myth is they are the fastest, the most nimble and the most skilled. A select few clearly are at the top of their game. But all? Hardly. Most are there because they have survived. They have avoided injury, drugs, scandal or any other trappings that might bring down an athlete. The population pyramid from grade school through high school through college to the professional level is ever shrinking with a thinning of the herd at each step. It is the same for politicians.

A successful politician at the elite level can wiggle out of almost any scandal. They surround themselves with loyal and proven advisers, analysts and even fall-guys that ensure they are insulated as much as possible. Mistakes may occur now and then but that’s all they are — mistakes. Genuine ineptitude is fatal. At the political apex, incompetency just doesn’t come into play. This is why they are at the top. They have survived to get there.

Knowing this, are you sure you want to chalk up what you are seeing regarding the consulate attack as incompetence?

It is clear the scandal is being intentionally manipulated by the Obama administration. Do not forget Obama and Hillary Clinton are from the school of Alinsky. Miss-information and contradictions are their tools because chaos is their friend. They embrace it. The conflicting interviews and contradictory statements during the last month have been carefully managed and methodically unrolled. While you sit back and smile thinking you’ve got it figured out, they’re huddling and drawing up the next play. This is what they do.

Look, we’re not playing a kiddie game of checkers here. This is chess and the prize may just be the White House.

Both Obama and Clinton want the White House. Obama wants it immediately while Clinton has an eye on the 2016 race. Both individuals know the details behind the Libya attack and both of them know who is ultimately responsible. Both can be politically damaged. That being said, the truth is chasing both of them is folly because getting one of them will be tough enough. But manipulate events correctly and one of them can be left holding the bag.

Now Obama is handling Libya with two strategies. The first is delay, delay, delay — leave all questions, details and accountability regarding Libya up in the air until after the election. That’s why there are different people saying different things. That’s why it took the FBI so long to get to Libya. That’s why the standard line is the details are “still under investigation”.

The second strategy is to position himself outside the crisis bubble while his political machine drops Libya on the doorstep of the State Department and Hillary. This is the point of the catch phrase “best available intelligence” put forth by administration mouth-pieces. It was also Biden’s objective when fielding Libya questions during the debate — claim Obama didn’t know anything and try to get the cameras and microphones focused on the intelligence community.

But Hillary Clinton is no fool. She see these dynamics playing out and understands that Obama may play pin the tail on the State Department. But because Hillary has time, much more than Obama, she has more options. She can support the stall tactics. She can also help deflect accountability away from Obama to a mutually agreed upon scape-goat. And if necessary, she can throw Obama to the wolves. And that is how the Republicans should attack this issue.

To hell with trying to catch Obama with his hand in the cookie jar. He will never admit any accountability. Never. And it is much too close to the election to risk waiting for damaging evidence to surface. Remember, Obama is actively working against that. No, Obama is not the proper target. It is Clinton that should be worked over — thoroughly.

The Republican strategy should be to apply so much pressure on Clinton that she sings like an opera star. She knows what occurred, and if it was ultimately Obama’s responsibility she loses nothing if she throws him under the bus. It may even help her reputation for 2016. If it is actually Clinton that has blood on her hands, then dumping the mess on the Obama administration is solid strategy — this being politics, after all.

The Clinton-Obama family feud is well known. Don’t think because Bill gave a keynote speech in support of Obama at the convention that the bad feelings have faded. Indeed, there was an article published Friday afternoon by author Edward Klein, that says it has not. Even more, Klein says Obama shunned assistance from Bill Clinton regarding Libya and that this slap in the face further enraged the former president. There is no love here and there is little or no respect either.

Hillary wants the White House. Bill wants her to have a legitimate shot at it. So regardless of the degree of responsibility she actually possesses, Bill Clinton will manufacture some way for Hillary to wiggle out of the Libya mess. That’s why they call him Slick Willie. So Republicans should be smart. They should build this into their strategy. They should attack Hillary to hurt her 2016 dreams which will force Bill to come running in to save her. At that point, the Clinton’s will do what the Clinton’s need to do.

If it unfolds correctly the Republicans get information about Libya splashed all over the media. Hillary Clinton walks away uninjured with her White House dream still possible and Obama gets thrown out with the trash.

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Why Biden’s Debate Performance Will Help Republicans

It is going to be interesting to see how America — specifically independents, women and casual political followers — respond to Joe Biden’s debate performance. Odds are it won’t be a positive response. In fact, many people will probably be shocked. What they saw last night, what they learned from Biden’s behavior, is that this is the modern politics of the Democrat party.

Consider for a moment the following party members — Joe Biden, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters. What do they all have in common? They are all loud, obnoxious, and divisive. Hypocritical would apply. Rude, too. How about Democrats like Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid — what word would apply to all of them? Disingenuous? Deceitful? No doubt, you can think of a few words yourself. The casual political observer probably hasn’t been exposed to this attitude change. Biden showed it to them last night. All the mocking, sneering and blustering came at them large as life — Joey-B brought it — in color and Hi-Def.

And it was ugly. And sad.

Biden seemed like that old man that still thinks he possess the fire. But because his arguments are as dated as he is, he is forced to resort to interrupting, blustering and fake disdain. Consequently, the fighting spirit he wants you to think he has comes across a rudeness. It persuades only those that allow themselves to be fooled by a hollow politician with an empty message.

The party abandoned pursuit of good government policy with FDR in the 1930’s. The obsessive push for easy votes through entitlements, now some seven decades later, has left the Democrats with little or nothing to say about good governing. Democrats are no longer able to analyze or articulate policy beyond a three word slogan more fit for a bumper sticker than political discourse. This administration’s record, of course, makes that reality all the worse.

This is the politics of modern Democrats. They must use a raised voice during discourse, as if volume adds credibility. They resort to sneers of contempt, not because they truly feel it, but because they hope their insincere body language will influence you as their tired slogans will not. They finger point to intimidate, roll their eyes to invalidate and incessantly interrupt in hopes of stopping valid ideas from being expressed.

And after all this petty posturing fails, as it always does when one lacks valid arguments, they resort to name calling as if they were on the grade-school playground. Wasn’t it President Obama that stated he felt the Republican party is full of bitter hard-Right bigots that spend all their time thumping their bibles and cleaning their guns? Over the course of the last six or seven months, Mitt Romney has been a flip-flopper, a tax cheat, an out-sourcer, a felon, a murderer and now, as of the last debate, he’s a liar.

Because Democrats have dedicated virtually all their political energy to buy votes with entitlements, they have virtually no valid argument for any pressing issue. As it has been for too many decades, their job plan is to hire more unions workers. As if 10,000 more teachers or 12,000 more bumbling bureaucrats at Central Planning will pull the country out of its tailspin. Their answer to fixing the federal budget is to ignore it. The Senate, controlled by Democrats, hasn’t submitted a budget in three years. The trillion dollar yearly deficits can’t be a spending problem as Democrats must spend money to buy votes. Therefore, it has to be an income problem. The solution, as always, is to raise taxes. Except they spend so much money, even if passed, the tax hike would pay for a week of government. Now there’s a long term solution.

Consider for a moment the 2010-11 narrative that the “tea-party is extreme”. Remember that onslaught? After they got their asses kicked all over the country in the 2010 mid-terms, Democrats, desperate for validity, tried to derail the conservative movement. Overnight, article after article, speech after speech and interview after interview referred to conservatives as racists. Maxine Watters said the tea party could go straight to hell. And if memory serves — and it does — it was Andre Carson, that said tea party folks want blacks “hanging on a tree”.

All this comes from the party that is so reliant on buying votes they want a government agency on every street corner and a bureaucrat in every home. Only a Democrat would claim pushing for a balanced budget or governing via the Constitution are extreme positions. This is the party that passes laws before they are written, voted to remove God from their political platform, and support the “occupy” movement. Ask yourself, what political party is actually extreme?

Beyond the obvious, the problem with substituting sincere ideas with inflammatory comments is they do nothing to push forward political discourse. They are a waste of everyone’s time. Devoid of any views on governing – unless they expand entitlements or line the pockets of unions — liberals and progressives are forced to try and discredit all other ideas.

So Biden went on national television and successfully did what conservatives, without support of the media-Left, have struggled to do. He showed America what Democrats actually are without teleprompters, controlled interviews and prepared remarks.

Thanks, Joe, we appreciate the help.

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Are New Job Numbers Fact Or Fiction?

So the Labor Department has announced unemployment went down from 8.1% to 7.8% in its latest jobs report. But the Obama administration did much more than that. They also decided to revise job numbers back through July. Now that’s initiative. Finally, this administration has shown the kind of motivation we expect from government — especially one that may soon find itself unemployed.

The question is, are the new numbers fact or fiction? Many folks aren’t buying what the administration is selling.

Florida Republican Rep. Allen West stood tall and stated his beef in an interview with CNBC. “Did the workforce participation rate change? No. It’s still a 30-year low. Did the U6 computation 14.7 percent change? No. So how is it that we had a drop of three-tenths of a percentage point on the unemployment rate if these other statistics which related to that do not change?”

He also noted that GDP numbers have dropped from 4.1% to 1.9% to 1.7% and “got revised down just about a month ago to 1.3 percent.”

But scrutiny didn’t come from just Republicans.

FOX reported economist Dean Baker, with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, said the rate drop was “almost certainly a statistical fluke.” He’s a liberal.

And after scratching his head, former Congressional Budget Office director Doug Holtz-Eakin said, “It is out of line with any of the other data.”

Unemployment is based upon household surveys — you know, like the incredibly accurate voter polls. The ex-director went on to say that an estimate of 873,000 new jobs seems “implausible.”

Even using the Labor Department’s recently “revised” numbers, the monthly average for jobs added in 2012 is 146,000. The ex-director thinks the new numbers are implausible. How about you?

Bloomberg.com reported a tweet from former General Electric CEO Jack Welch. He took this issue into the back rooms where the game of government is really played. “Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.”

Can you blame him? This is the same administration that brought you Fast and Furious and the recent WARN Act controversy. These folks even tried to blame dissatisfied viewers of a bad movie for the Libya consulate attack. They’ve earned any skepticism they get, don’t you think?

Look, government is about power and we all know power corrupts. All administrations, Republican and Democrat, fiddle and diddle behind the curtain. Some administrations are polished, sly and successful and the peasants never discover any shenanigans. Other administrations, far more sloppy and unpolished, end up mired in scandal. But they all play games.

Just ask yourself what is more likely, that virtually all other economic data has remained the same, yet there was a drop in unemployment, or, coming out of an empty suit debate debacle, Obama and his administration decided they needed to fudge a few numbers?

We all hope the drop in unemployment is true because too many American families have been in pain far too long. But for election purposes, does it really matter? It is not even a half-percent improvement. Any person that would justify a vote for Obama because unemployment improved three-tenths of a percent a month prior to voting is clearly a bigger nincompoop than Larry, Curly or Moe.

After getting embarrassed badly in the first debate, Obama and his Liberal-lunatics think improved job numbers will help his re-election chances. That’s their bet. What you can bet on is that, like Fast and Furious, the Libya attack and the recent WARN Act flare-up, there is almost certainly more going on here than meets the eye.

And you can take that to the voting booth.

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Mr. Hollywood Loses Serious Shine After First Debate

After weeks and weeks and months and months of hearing how utterly awesome Obama is, we finally got to see him perform. Mr. Hollywood versus Mittens, center stage with front row seats. That’s right, it’s Broadway, baby — bright lights, perfect makeup and unscripted.

B-sizzle Live.

My, my, my — where to start?

Damn, last night felt good, didn’t it? As predicted, Mr. Wonderful isn’t so wonderful during a live performance. Dreadful is a much better word. Strip away the prepared remarks and remove the teleprompters and the anointed one burns with as much fire as a soggy sponge. Any Lefty that paid for a seat at that sad show should demand a refund.

For the worshipers and their champion this wasn’t a debate. It was a debacle. Big time.

And what was with the lethargy? Did Obama miss his nap? He couldn’t even keep his head up. Was it drugs? Don’t laugh. He’s confessed to being a dope, pardon me, a doper. Maybe that’s why he misses all those foreign policy meetings — he’s taking a few pulls out back.

Perhaps he couldn’t look his opponent in the eye because of shame. It would be understandable, his record is an embarrassment.

Compare Obama to the guy on the other side of the stage. Romney was alert, eager and prepared. He was hungry. I swear I saw him gnawing on the podium once or twice waiting for the great gabber to finish his mundane rambling. Measure them by sheer enthusiasm and Romney wants the job — Obama, not so much.

Obama seemed beat, didn’t he? Meek and weak. A hollow, small man that had really nothing to say and no ability or desire to do anything about it. One thing was obvious, much like the government’s response to the Libya consulate attack, Obama was totally and completely unprepared. This was the first debate in front of a national audience. The man knows at least half the country wants to throw him out with the dirty water and yet, he didn’t prepare. I couldn’t help but ask myself if this is how Obama governs? You know, when he governs.

No doubt, the Left is scratching their head today, searching for an explanation for why Mr. Cool looked like Mr. Fool. I’ve been thinking about it, too. The way I figure it, we got a good look at a politician that is supposed to be able to dance between the raindrops but in reality gets just as wet as the rest of us. We saw a man sold as the greatest politician of all time – a Superman. Yet before our eyes he wasn’t able to get himself out of the phone booth, let alone save the planet. What we saw was a man that believes far too much of his hype to prepare like a professional. And he took a thumping for it.

Obviously, this isn’t over yet. There are two more debates. But just as obvious is that team Obama had better slap B-sizzle back to reality or this thing will be over faster than he can spell EMPTY SUIT.

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The Left Admits Romney Wins First Debate

It was a game changer. Romney cleaned Obama’s clock. Romney wins the night. It’s not debatable, Obama stumbles. What is so sweet about these opinions, crusaders, is that they are from the New York Times. And HuffPuff. And Politico. Left, Left and Left.

CNN, running a post-debate poll reported a 67% to 25% Romney win.

At the New York Times, Michael Goodwin wrote, “When it came to defending his record, Obama resorted to filibusters that moderator Jim Lehrer was too willing to tolerate. As though his handlers were whispering in his ear, the president trotted out his favorite campaign clichés: millionaires and billionaires, oil companies corporate jets, fair share, fair shot. It was all stale stuff.”

Bill Maher — i can’t believe i’m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter

Michael Goodwin again, “As for specifics, I have no more idea what Obama would do in a second term than I did before the debate.”

“They know they lost tonight,” said NBC News’ Chuck Todd.

Joy Behar of The View — “Obama blew it. I hate to say it but Romney was lying and Obama didn’t hit him on it.”

Here is Left-lunatic extraordinaire, Chris Matthews, in all his glory.

The best part is the pathetic Obama performance wasn’t missed by the supreme ruler’s subjects either. Have some fun today, crusaders, and read some post comments at Politico, HuffPuff, the NY Times or any Left-leaning publication of your choice. Here’s a few to get your engine started.

Raw6464 — The man is a typical wimpy Democrat. After the debacle of last night I hope his staff will light a fire under his ass because one more debate loss and he’ll be a one term president…The thought of Romney choosing the next 4 Supreme Court Justices scares the shit out of me. If and when that day happens, the Right Wing will rule the world.

Jill — Was so depressing to watch that I turned it off after the first 45 minutes.


Balthasar — Obama looked tired to me; seemed to be having trouble keeping his eyes open as Mitt delivered his closing argument.

MileHiDem — Obama is still blazing in the polls and one debate won’t change it much, perhaps a little.

The Apostate — More debates coming, but Mitt will most likely take a lead in the polls over this debacle.

Donealready1 — This IS Obama without a teleprompter. He has been protected by everyone and this time, he was on his own. We finally got a glimpse of the true Obama……disaster

JaxSax1 — Wake up call to Obama. Yeah you are a nice guy. NOW FREAKING STOP IT. Stand up and punch back because this election was yours to lose.


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Why Romney Will Win The Debates

Mitt Romney will win the debates. Is that hard to believe? Perhaps — if you buy into the Left’s narrative of Obama’s considerable oral skills. And establishment Republicans, cowards that they are, are twitching with anxiety. But don’t fall into the hysteria. Romney will win the debates. He doesn’t even have to be exceptional. A reasonable effort will do the trick.

The Left would have you believe that Obama possesses incomparable personal presence. He can’t govern worth a damn but wow, he’s a swell guy. And what a communicator. That’s the narrative anyway. The reality is a wee bit different. Sure, Obama is skilled with delivering a speech or reading remarks from a teleprompter. It is when Obama needs to ad-lib, when he is forced to make cohesive remarks on the fly, that his weakness shows. It’s understandable. The vast majority of communication done by any politician is through prepared remarks, so that presentation style is practiced rigorously. A political speech, although it may be conducted before a live audience, is really a highly choreographed event.

Contrast this with the stand-up comedian, for example, that addresses a diverse, live crowd as a way of life. Successful comedians must be able to “think on their feet”. The stand-up comic must be skilled with the ad-lib or the career is finished. What stand-up comedian can rise to the top if he or she can’t efficiently put a heckler in place with a one-liner and continue with the show?

Obama may be a joke but he is no comedian. He is trained to give speeches not to ad-lib on the fly. Obama is far from eloquent when left on his own. Unfortunately, most of these errors are hidden from the public by the Obama-loving media. During the debates, however, no such conspiracy is possible.

Recently, because of remarks he made during an interview with 60 Minutes, Obama has taken a few shots to the chin. Rightfully so, as he called the disastrous events in Libya “bumps in the road” and equated Israel’s pleadings for help against Iran as background “noise.”

Then there was that glorious day in July, addressing a crowd in Virginia, when Obama said “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

At a Memorial Day ceremony, discussing the nation’s fallen heroes, Obama said, “I see many of them in the audience here today.”

He once stated the Constitution was written “20 centuries ago” and to a small gathering in Oregon, he said “I’ve now been in 57 states, I think one left to go.”

During an interview on ABC’s This Week, he said, “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

There was, “Hold on one second, sweetie,” to a female reporter and “countries like Europe” and he wants “to be very clear that we are resolved to halt the rise of privacy.”

And finally, strolling in front of a live crowd, Obama went off script and attempted to sell Obama-care with,

And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah…

Here is that gem in its full glory.

Clearly, everyone makes mistakes. Just as obvious is that when you speak as much as a politician the mistakes can add up quickly. Worse, they can be compiled into a list and used against you by conservative bloggers.

That Obama can be a fish out of water with asides and on the ad-lib is only part of the point. His political philosophy, being contrary to that of most Americans, will hamstring him, too. His “spreading the wealth” exchange with Joe the plumber is an example, as is “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Obama is in a tight vice. He is trapped in the present. Almost his entire past, both personal and professional, is taboo. Obama is still somewhat popular only because many Americans pay little attention to the details of politics. Any unpopularity Obama has with these folks is because of political generalities — the economy, or Obama-care or immigration. The history of his first presidential term is bad enough. Imagine the ramifications if his secret personal past was allowed to surface to a live, national audience — his re-election bid could end that night.

His plans for the future too, are mostly off limits. They have to be. If he communicates to the casual political follower his true plans for America, it would be political suicide. As determined as the Left-leaning media is to sell it, hard-Left political outlooks are still held only by a minority of American voters. Tell the California surfer, oblivious of day-to-day politics, that it is your plan to continue to humble America and erode the Constitution and you will lose that vote. Inform American Idol-loving Amanda that you plan on continuing to strangle industry or that your goal is to help usher in the New World Order and you will lose her vote. Only the most artful, seasoned and confident orator would attempt such a high risk proposition within a live environment. Obama, as egotistical and narcissistic as they come, may possess the reckless confidence to try it but without a teleprompter, he lacks the skill to pull it off.

And let’s not forget, there are three debates. That is a lot of unscripted exposure. So try as he will to conceal his beliefs, because at his core he is hard-Left, Obama is almost guaranteed to issue a comment that, from the perspective of liberal-socialism rings the bell, but will be heard by most Americans as a sour note.

Romney, like Obama and any other politician, is subject to the same principle — he can slit his own throat if he is not careful. But, as his pedestrian campaign has demonstrated, Romney is careful. However, he is not perfect so he is likely to make mistakes, too. But because he holds more traditional political views, his mistakes are likely to be interpreted like a singer’s poor presentation of the national anthem. It needs some work but the voter recognizes the song and gives credit for the effort.

A live debate presents a sizable challenge for any politician. But for one that must hide his past and skillfully spin his future plans, they are herculean. Because he is stuck in the present, Obama’s debate tactics will be reduced to attacks against Romney or putting forth outright lies. One tactic will grow old quickly and the other is exceedingly dangerous within a society that has a speed-of-light ability to set the record straight.

The Left-loving media will help Obama with soft questions, heavily slanted headlines and article after article of walk-backs and clarifications. But will that be enough? Probably not. The problem for Obama and the Left is that after the debates, the casual political follower returns to just that — a casual political follower. The walk-backs and clarifications will be missed by these people because they will tune back out – but after the damage has been done.

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Obama Begs Companies To Skip Notices And Promises Taxpayers Will Pay For Lawsuits

In an election year filled with dirty deeds, the Obama administration has provided yet another. And if you actually believe Obama is looking out for the best interests of you, your loved ones or the country, you would be hard pressed to prove it using this latest example.

At the heart of matter is the looming budget cuts and the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). The estimated $500 billion in budget cuts scheduled for the turn of the year may force defense contractors to layoff thousands of workers. The WARN Act requires employers to provide workers with a 60-day notice if layoffs of 100 or more employees are possible. Failure to do so exposes the employer to compensatory lawsuits. Because of the high number of workers possibly involved, this could cost a company millions of dollars.

More importantly to Obama, it could cost a politician an election. After all, how would it look to have 6, 8, 10 — who knows how many companies — issuing layoff notices to thousands and thousands of voters just prior to an election that is, at its core, all about jobs? It doesn’t take a scholar to understand the public relations problem.

So on Friday, Obama and his Labor Department issued a MEMO to defense contractors begging them not to send out notices to employees regarding possible layoffs. This follows a similar plea issued during the middle of the summer. As part of their plea, the government promised any company that tows in line that the government would cover their litigation.

There are two problems with this. The first, a President that is actually encouraging companies to sidestep federal law because of the uncertainty of sequestration, is obviously outrageous. All law abiding voters, regardless of party affiliation, should find this terribly troubling. True, it is no surprise, as the supreme ruler has a track record of picking and choosing which laws he will enforce and which laws he will ignore. But the idea that the President of the United States would publicly encourage this to avoid bad publicity, when he is in fact paid to enforce law and order, is an insult to all Americans.

The second problem here is a little more subtle but just as disturbing. Obama has promised that the government will cover the costs of litigation. But the government has no money and makes no money on its own. So, in effect, Obama has approached these companies and said skip the WARN Act to save my ass before the election, if and when workers file suit for damages, we’ll make the taxpayers cover your costs. The audacity of proposing this rigged game is stunning.

This is a shameful and disgusting proposal cowardly issued on the hush-hush in hopes of avoiding the mass news. It will, of course, because the Left-biased media will ignore the story and most of his dazed and confused worshipers get their news from The View.

But this is more than just election year politics. Similar to Obama’s infamous “you didn’t build that” statement, this plea demonstrates a bent and twisted outlook. Obama sees Americans as a way to raise money so he can purchase what he wants — more government. Citizens are merely resources to be exploited by those within government to perpetuate government as they see fit — to hell with ideals and law and order. There is no love for country or respect for the citizenry displayed here. There is no love for freedom. The only love on display here is for government.

By issuing this proposal, Obama has demonstrated to those that pay attention, he is not about American ideals or the betterment of the American citizen. He is all about government. Worse, he possesses such a lust for power that he will actually encourage all this in hopes that it will keep him on the throne. And then make you pay for it.

Rationalize it as you may, but the reality is a power-hungry candidate with a deep obsession for government control is not a quality choice for the office of President of the United States. And never will be.

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