Obama Finds the Writing on the Wall in the Sands of the Jersey Shore

Bookmark and Share  On Wednesday, as Barack Obama flew over the devastated coastal section of storm ravaged New Jersey , the White House Press pool released video of the truly heart wrenching images that the President saw.  But as he approached Point Pleasant, one of the locales hardest by Hurricane Sandy, he saw something that the White House advance team missed.  It was the oversized writing in the sand of the name “Romney”.

While the writing in the sands of New Jersey are not a likely indication of which way New Jersey’s electoral votes will go, what it is representative of is the the level of enthusiasm that Romney supporters have for their candidate.   It’s a level of enthusiasm and energy that just might prove to make the difference in the presidential election in several key states such as Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa and Nevada, where the depth of support Romney’s supporters have for Mitt, runs deeper than the level of support and amount of energy and enthusiasm that Obama supporters have for President Obama.

The amount of enthusiasm that supporters have for their candidate is a key component behind the success of any campaign’s Get-Out-The-Vote operation.  GOTV efforts increase the number of the campaign’s supporters who will vote for their candidate in the election.  Typically, the more enthusiastic supporters are for their candidate, the more of them a campaign can “Get-Out-To-Vote” for its candidate.  In 2012, as demonstrated by the Romney voters behind this message for the President in Point Pleasant, Romney supporters are quite passionate in their support of Mitt.

So while the writing in the sand that President Obama saw may not turn back the tide when it comes to which way heavily Democratic New Jersey will vote on November 6th, it was a sign of the writing on the wall that awaits the President when it comes to the collective results of all the sates in the nation.

Meanwhile as the President took time to visit New Jersey as it was trying to recover from Hurricane Sandy, many New Jerseyans like myself are still wondering what good President Obama’s visit did for the Garden State.

Aside from consuming the time and energy of government resources that might have been better used on other pressing matters confronting the people of New Jersey, the visit really did nothing but cost taxpayers money. Yet President Obama decided to “act” presidential and visit the Garden State as New Jerseyans began to piece their lives back together.  From my vantage point here in New Jersey where life has just become much harder, the President’s visit served one purpose and one purpose only.  It allowed the President to act presidential, somenthing which is a change of pace for Obama, who in recent weeks has been acting anything but presidential on the campaign trail where his big issues have been Big Bird, bayonets, and binders, or in the Oval Office where on issues such as Benghazi instead of allowing the buck to stop with him, he has been passing the buck.

Which is why for me, the best part of President Obama’s P.R. stunt was the blunt New Jersey-style, in-your-face, message written for the President amid the ruins of the Jersey Shore.  It proved to me that if Romney supporters are willing to take the time to write Romney’s name in the sands savaged by a super-storm, than they will certainly be turning out to vote for Romney in the quiet calm of the voting booth.

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