Herman Cain Super PAC Fires Back the Way Herman Cain Needed To

Bookmark and Share  While the media tries wring out every last drop of negative innuendos and distortion out of the more than decade old, false sexual harassment charges against Americans for Herman Cain has out, calls the left wing establishment out for their characteristic “lynching” of African-Americans who disagree with the Democrat Party’s liberal agenda.

American’s for Herman Cain is not affiliated with Cain’s actual presidential campaign.  It is a super PAC, that can raise and spend any amount of moneyh it can in support of Herman Cain. The ad uses such notable hypocrites and socialists and communists as Hollywood’s Harry Belafonte, New York’s Al Sharpton, and liberal academia’s Professor Cornel West of Princeton University, or who I commonly refer to as Snagglepuss.  Each of them chastise Herman Cain.  West tells Herman Cain to get off the symbolic carackpipe, Belafoolte says Cain is denied intelligence, and in what ends up the most hysterical case of the pot calling the kettle black, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton says that Cain is either “”socially ignorant, or playing games to get vote”.  Can you imaging that?  Al Sharpton accuses others of playing games to get votes.  That coming from a man who has taken part in conspiracies designed to inflame racial tension, inspire civil disobedience, and fuel class warfare, dares to blame another person, living or dead, of playing games to get votes.  That says it all folks.

But to punctuate the point Herman Cain is conveying, the ad utilizes the famous remarks from the man who is the best living example of liberal hypocrisy and injustice there is…….. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.   Cain’s ad closes with Thomas summing up the actions of the liberal media and the liberal senators who used Anita Hill’s false accusations of him as  a modern day form of a lynching of the black man who disagrees with them.

Up to now, Herman Cain has not helped himself in this sexual harassment matter.  He has was unprepared to respond to a story that he knew was coming out about these past accusations and when he did start responded to the story, he did so in a way that seemed to consistently contradict with each answer previously given by him, was slow to reveal those facts which he did know, quick to claim he forgot facts that he suddenly remembered, and in general did little to make people confident in his total innocence in the matter.  Cain had a chance to control this story before it came out.  Instead he allowed Politico, then the rest of the lamestream media to control the story and possibly Cain’s fate.   I have to say that I am disinclined to support Herman Cain now, based just on how he handled this episode.  And I believe that the accusation against Cain were false.

However, regardless of how Cain’s campaign mishandled this, this new web ad is should be a hint as to how he should handle this from now on.

But the credit for the spot most likely goes to Jordan Gerhke, the campaign manager for Americans for Herman Cain and a political consultant with expertise in the area of direct messaging.   I profiled Gerhke in a previous White House 2012 post that reproted the creation  of the Herman Cain for America’s “9-9-9 Fund”.

Gehrke’s ad should be an example  that someone over at Team Cainshould follow.  With Mark Blockhead running things, Cain seems to be atr a disadvantage and needs some of strategic intelligence.   If Cain only had the money and talent to turn this ad in to a thirty second spot and air it in the most effective media markets in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida.  If that were the case, he might be able to establish himself as a longterm frontrunner.

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