Meet Paul Ryan: See for yourself why Paul Ryan is “The Answer” for Republicans

Bookmark and Share    With the possibility of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan entering the Republican race for President, White House 2012 presents to you the Congressman’s White House 2012 Fact Page. which is located here.  Here you wil be able to research the Congressman and read about him and his background.  You will also find here, his contact information, staff contacts,  websites, voting records, speeches, position papers, campaign finance reports, and much more.

While White House 2012 as website has not endorsed any candidate for President,  I have, and the person who I am hoping will run and can endorse is Paul Ryan.  To be cear, this is not an endorsement by White house 2012.  ON WH12, our writers are entitled to their own opinions.  This happens to be mine.

Check Paul Ryan out.  If you agree, contact his office and urge him to run, then send his WH12 2012 page on to your friends and family and ask them to do the same. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to Paul’s websites, financial filings, positions papers, speeches , YouTube Channel and contact information

Congressman Paul Ryan

Born: January 29, 1970 (age 41), Janesville, Wisconsin

Spouse(s): Janna Ryan

Children : Sam, Liza & Charlie

Residence : Janesville, Wisconsin

Alma mater: Miami University, (Ohio) (BA),

Profession: Blue Collar worker, Marketing Consultant

Religion: Catholic

Political Career :

  • Intern for the foreign affairs advisor assigned to Wisconsin Sen. Bob Kasten.
  • staff economist attached to the office of U.S. Senator Bob Kasten
  • 1992 – Ryan became a speechwriter and a volunteer economic analyst with Empower America, an advocacy group formed by Jack Kemp, former education secretary Bill Bennett, the late diplomat Jeane Kirkpatrick and former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber.
  • 1998 – Elected to Congress from his Wisconsin hometown


Paul Ryan On The Issues


Foreign Policy Gun Control Budget & Economy Education
Homeland Security Crime Government Reform Health Care
War & Peace Drugs Tax Reform Abortion
Free Trade Civil Rights Social Security Families & Children
Immigration Jobs Welfare & Poverty Corporations
Energy & Oil Environment Technology Principles & Values


Click here for Paul Ryan’s Facebook Page

Facebook site allowed any

Paul Ryan


Paul Ryan is in many ways a unique politician. He was born with no silver spoon in his mouth. He did not receive an overpriced education behind the cloistered walls of Harvard or Yale and he did not buy his way into elected office.

The youngest of four children, Paul became accustomed to his parent’s tradition of an incentive system for allowances that saw his weekly allowance cut from $4 to $2 if he received a B on his reports cards, and received no allowance if he got a C or less. At 16, he discovered his father dead of a heart attack, and had to inform his mother and older siblings. His sister is nine years older and two brothers eight and five years his senior. According to Paul, “It threw me for a loop for a couple of years.”……“I did a lot of soul-searching. A lot of self-discovery. I started forming my beliefs.”

At 18, Paul attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he eventually earned a B.A. in economics and political science . It was here that Paul’s political ideology developed through his reading of free market authors including Milton Friedman, F. A. Hayek, and Ayn Rand. At a D.C. gathering honoring the author of “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead.” Paul recalled, “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand,”

During his college years he supported himself by working for the Oscar Mayer meat and cold cut production company as a Wienermobile driver. During his junior year, he went on to study at the Washington Semester program at American University. Here he worked as a college intern opening mail for the foreign affairs advisor assigned to Wisconsin Sen. Bob Kasten. In his early years as a D.C. staffer, Paul moon lighted on Capitol Hill as a waiter at the Tortilla Coast restaurant and as a fitness trainer at Washington Sport and Health Club, among various other side jobs.

Eventually he gained a congressional position as a staff economist attached to the office of U.S. Senator Bob Kasten. But after Kasten was defeated by Democrat Russ Feingold in 1992, Paul Ryan became a speechwriter and a volunteer economic analyst with Empower America, an advocacy group formed by Jack Kemp, former education secretary Bill Bennett, the late diplomat Jeane Kirkpatrick and former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber.

In 1996, Paul Ryan became a speechwriter for Vice-Presidential candidate Jack Kemp during the 1996 United States presidential election and later worked as legislative director for U.S. Senator Sam Brownback.

After the ’96 presidential election, Paul Ryan returned home and worked as a marketing consultant for his family’s construction , Ryan Incorporated Central, a company began as an earth moving business created by his great-grandfather in 1884. Now his cousins’ excavating company and called Ryan Inc. Central, it happens to be a union shop. According to Ryan “I grew up in organized labor,”……“I have a lot of constituents who are in organized labor. I really do not have this ‘us against them’ mentality”. Ryan worked there in high school and then briefly worked there again but as a marketing consultant while running for office.

In 1998, upon the retirement of his Congressman he ran for and won the Republican nomination for the job and eventually won the seat against Democratic opponent Lydia Spottswood.

Upon being elected, one of Ryan’s priorities was to convert a truck into a rolling district office that allowed him to keep regular congressional office hours with his constituents at various and far-flung locations across the Wisconsin First U.S. House District

He went on to become one of the three founding members of the House GOP Young Guns Program but what Ryan became most known for was his devotion to fiscal conservatism It is said that till this day, Ryan speaks with a certain degree of awe and respect for people like Jack Kemp, who strongly influenced his supply side economic beliefs and in the footsteps of Jack Kemp, became one of fiscal conservatism most passionate leaders.

While no one is perfect, Ryan will have to defend his 2008 vote for TARP, but does offer a plausible defense. But on May 21, 2008, Ryan introduced H.R. 6110, the “Roadmap for America’s Future Act of 2008”. This proposed legislation was a realistic attempt to face some of the most significant burdens on and causes for our perilous national debt. Ryan’s plan courageously dealt with entitlement issues. Its stated aims were to ensure universal access to health insurance; strengthen Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security; lift the debt from future generations; and promote economic growth and job creation in America. But Democrats in control of Congress did not move on it.

On April 1, 2009, Ryan introduced his alternative to the 2010 United States federal budget. This proposed alternative would have eliminated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, lowered the top tax rate to 25%, introduced an 8.5% value-added consumption tax, and imposed a five-year spending freeze on all discretionary spending. It would also have replaced the Medicare system. Instead, it proposed that starting in 2021, the federal government would pay part of the cost of private medical insurance for individuals turning 65. Ryan’s proposed budget would also have allowed taxpayers to opt out of the federal income taxation system with itemized deductions, and instead pay a flat 10 percent of adjusted gross income up to $100,000 and 25 percent on any remaining income. It was ultimately rejected in the house by a vote of 293-137, with 38 Republicans in opposition.

When Republicans regained control of the House in 2010, Ryan’s budgetary expertise earned him the chairmanship of the House budget committee. One of the most powerful positions in the land. Not an easy fete for a man of just 41 years of age.

In late January 2010, Ryan released a new version of his “Roadmap.” It would give across the board tax cuts by reducing income tax rates; eliminating income taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest; and abolishing the corporate income tax, the estate tax, and the alternative minimum tax. The plan would privatize a portion of Social Security, eliminate the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance, and privatize MediCare.

Of course these ideas have been distorted by the liberal left and used to scare senior citizens with. This was not unexpected, yet Ryan still had the courage to face the reality we are in, and touch the political third rails that so many do not have the courage to deal with.


As of the writing of this page Paul Ryan is said to still be considering a run for President in 2012. He has the backing of many heavy hitters too. From my perspective I hope he does.

Paul Ryan may not seem to be an obvious winner of either the G.O.P. nomination or the presidency. He is indeed not an immediate frontrunner and it is quite clear that the left will try to bury Congressman Ryan with tactics of fear and distortions regarding his willingness to tackle the entitlements and bring the type of economic reforms that our nation can not deny it needs if we are to ever get on the right track again.

But at the same time, many voters, including the ever important independent voter, are willing to listen to viable solutions and they are appreciative of those who are willing to speak truthfully about the situation we are in and the steps we must consider to improve it. This combined with the Congressman’s solemn committment to the cause, and his incomparable ability to articulate the economic problems we face and steps we must take, can make him a force to reckon with if given a chance.

I call Paul Ryan the little engine that could. Not only is he passionate but rational, and honest but pragmatic, he is sincere. Furthermore, while many may not initially see him as being a name big enough to win the Republican presidential nomination or to defeat President Obama, I believe people will be surprised. Ryan has a temperament that voters will appreciate and that is perfect for the current national climate. He is forceful but not combative and convincing but not cocky. And beyond that, he has the capacity to articulate a youthful vision for our nation that is realistic but optimistic. He has the ability to be a Republican JFK without the nepotism, philandering, and drama of Camelot.

Paul Ryan is a new generation Republican. He is the next generation of American leadership that for many, Barack Obama was suppose to be but proved not to be. And unlike President Obama Paul Ryan has both life experiences as a blue-collar worker and a legislative leader who has actually worked and produced concrete results, not just campaigned and produced rhetoric.

Ryan is a perfect anti-Obama. He is a limited government, states rights, Constitution based, deficit hawk with a record, the ability to defend that record, and who can articulate the cause, connect with the people, and has a genuine sense of committment that can be seen through the passion he has for his beliefs.

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Stars01.gif picture by kempite

Current Contact Info

Washington, D.C. Address
1233 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3031
Fax: 202-225-3393
District Address
5455 Sheridan Road
Suite 125
Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: 262-654-1901
Fax: 262-654-2156
District Address
216 6th Street
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: 262-637-0510
Fax: 262-637-5689
District Address
20 South Main Street
Suite 10
Janesville, WI 53545
Phone: 608-752-4050
Toll Free: 888-909-7926
Fax: 608-752-4711
Key Staff Address
Joyce Meyer
Chief of Staff
1113 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4901
Phone: 202-225-3031
Fax: 202-225-3393
Key Staff Address
Sarah Ulrich
1113 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4901
Phone: 202-225-3031
Fax: 202-225-3393
Key Staff Address
Kate Matus
Press Secretary
1113 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4901
Phone: 202-225-3031
Fax: 202-225-3393
Campaign Address
Post Office Box 2194
Janesville, WI 53545

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