The Disadvantage of Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann

Bookmark and ShareThe debt. The deficit. The debt ceiling. Default. Social security checks. Medicare payments. Balanced Budgets. Tax increases. Gang of six. Cut, Cap and Balance. Headlines all in the past week. Headlines that, for the most part, the Republican candidates for President have been able to take a stand on without actually having to take a solid position. That is unless you are Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann, the 2 candidates who are sitting members of the House Of Representatives.

2012 GOP Presidential leader and former MA Governor Mitt Romney has stated that “The answer for the country is for the president to agree to cut federal spending, to cap federal spending and to put in place a balanced budget amendment.” “If the president were to do those things, this whole debt issue would disappear.” He has declined to say whether he would support a compromise.

Former MN Governor Tim Pawlenty said in Iowa this week, “Eventually you run out of money, but what you do is you buy yourself a bunch of time to have the debate about real reform.” A vague statement but one that allows him to offer an opinion without having to land solidly behind a plan.

Paul and Bachmann however are forced, through their House seats, to vote for or against the actual plans. They are not afforded the luxury to simply make broad statements without taking a position that the other candidates are. Both Paul and Bachmann were also among the nine House Republicans who voted Tuesday night against the ‘cut, cap and balance’ bill that would reduce 2012 spending by more than $100 billion, cap it over the next decade and prohibit more government borrowing until Congress passes a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. Harry Reid has vowed it will not pass the Senate and the President has vowed to veto it if it does.

Ron Paul said it wouldn’t live up to it’s promises, passing the cuts off for years and Bachmann said it didn’t go far enough to cut spending.

So are candidates that hold seats in Congress at a disadvantage when it comes to being able to use the rhetoric on an issue? Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who was a top economic policy adviser to Republican Party presidential nominee John McCain in 2008 but not aligned with any of the contenders this time around stated, “What they would like to have is the issue and that’s the difference between them and the congressional leaders. They need an issue. The congressional leaders need a result.”

We will see in the coming days and months leading up to the Iowa caucus if the other candidates try to pull the votes of Paul and Bachmann into the fray. While the other candidates can rely on rhetoric and easily take the stance that the polls dictate are popular, sitting members of Congress have to take a solid stand on the bills before them. A disadvantage for sure in a large candidate field with a mere 2 current legislators in it’s ranks.

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Ron Paul to Make His Presidential Campaign Official in New Hampshire

Bookmark and Share Congressman Ron Paul will officially declare his candidacy for President of the United States on Friday, May 13th. The announcement will be made in Exeter, New Hampshire

According to CNN, along with Pauls announcement will come several endorsements.

After appearing in last Thursdays presidential debate, the announcement that he is running for President comes as no surprise, but what would be surprising is if Ron Pauls campaign gains anymore traction than either of his previous two presidential campaigns did.

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Tim Pawlenty Could Stand To Gain While The Big Names Sit On The Sidelines

Bookmark and ShareThe 1st GOP Presidential debate is in the books. There are those who feel it lacked the “Wow” factor that it would have had if the top polling candidates had taken part. With Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin all declining to attend, the field was filled with candidates whose names are not well known on a national scale. Texas congressman Ron Paul is probably the exception to that statement but his public persona and Libertarian views have never played well to most in the GOP.

Of the remainder of the field that included former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and conservative talk show host Herman Cain, Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, it may have been Pawlenty that came out with the most to gain from the absence of the big name candidates.

Most of those polled said that they came away with a better opinion of Herman Cain than any other candidate. I agree. Cain came away as the non-politician’s politician but he is an unknown to most voters and will need much more than this debate to get the recognition he will need to mount a serious run. Santorum is known to a certain degree through his work on Fox News but has established himself as the social issues candidate so far in a time where the economy will likely reign supreme. Gary Johnson is the poor man’s Ron Paul and did little to move up the ladder in the debate and at points looked uncomfortable on the stage. Ron Paul is simply Ron Paul. Most Republican’s tend to agree with his economic stances and most independents with his social stances but he has difficulty communicating them in a manner that helps him in a conservative GOP primary.

That leaves Pawlenty, who did little to “Wow” the audience but came across as a solid candidate when put next to the CEO with little experience, the Libertarian’s with little communication skills and the evangelical social issue guy, as a possible challenger to the big name candidates who themselves have issues that will be exploited if and when they decide to enter the race. Romney has to answer for his health care program he implemented while Governor of MA. Gingrich has had marriage issues that have haunted him for years. Huckabee has issues regarding his stances on crime while Governor of Arkansas and Palin, well she has always incurred the wrath of the media and I expect if she decides to run in 2012 it will be no different.

So although he may have not brought the “wow” factor with him to South Carolina last Thursday night, it could be Tim Pawlenty who very well takes away the most from the debate. Although Herman Cain may have hit the “wow” factor it was Pawlenty who by reason of recognition stands to gain the most from the decision of the big names to sit this one out. If he stays on message and the more recognizable names continue to sit dormant, Tim Pawlenty has one up on the other candidates.

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The Revolution WILL Be Televised. Ron Paul Is In.

Bookmark and ShareTexas Rep. and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul will announce tomorrow that he is launching a third bid for the White House.

The outspoken Congressman ran for the Presidency as a Libertarian in 1988 and as Republican in 2008 where he gained an almost cult-like following as the only Republican candidate to advocate the ending of the war in Iraq and ending the Federal Reserve. His book The Revolution: A Manifesto also reached No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list in 2008. His next literary work End The Fed entered the NYT Best Sellers List at #6 in 2009.

Rep. Paul has also held many on-line “moneybombs” that have raised very large amounts of money in one day fundraising events. Paul’s Libertarian leaning views have made him a favorite Republican amongst younger voters, a voting block that the GOP has traditionally struggled to capture. Considered a long shot by many the Texas Congressman has seen his views on the debt from years past become the battle cry for the GOP and TEA Party members in the last year which should help his chances of mounting a serious campaign in 2012.

Despite his views that most see as outside the mainstream views of the GOP voter, his fellow candidates cannot deny the power of his word in the tough economic times that have grabbed a hold of the country. As his supporters like to say, “Ron Paul was right!”

Will the majority of American’s see it that way in 2012? Ron Paul seems to think so and his supporters cannot be happier.

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Rand Paul Visits South Carolina

Bookmark and ShareKentucky Senator and TEA Party favorite Rand Paul could be testing the 2012 presidential waters with a trip to South Carolina.

The son of Texas Rep., 2008 GOP presidential candidate and possible 2012 candidate Ron Paul, Rand is appeared this afternoon before the College of Charelston’s “Bully Pulpit” series to talk about Libya, his possible 2012 interest and the national debt. He is scheduled to appear this evening before the Charelston Meeting, a center right, invitation only organization that invites politicians to address it’s membership strictly off the record.

Paul, like his father a Tea Party favorite, who won his Senate seat last fall, is visiting several early presidential voting states independently of his father. The only answer he will give regarding his own Presidential aspirations is, “The only decision I’ve made is I won’t run against my dad,” he said, adding that he wants to see the Tea Party influence the 2012 GOP nominee.

So how many Paul’s will there be on the ballot come 2012? Just one according to Rand. Which one however remains a mystery.

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Bookmark and Share In an intriguing speech at CPAC, the much awaited Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul, issued many legitimates warnings to America, warnings that attack all that lies at the heart of Dr. Pauls sincerely, heartfelt concerns over the erosion of liberty.

In his approximately 20 minute long address, Rep. Paul told the audience that we need to changethe philosophy of what this country is all about. He described the Patriot Act as literally being the destruction of the 4th Amendment. He also literally stated that all the problems in the Mid East are our [Americas] fault and declared that when it comes to foreign aid and Egypt, we need to do a lot less, a lot sooner, not only in Egypt but around the world. Paul stated it use to be conservatives were against foreign aid. Im against all of it.

At one point Ron Paul even made a point to remind us that the fall of communism came about not through confrontation but by the collapse of the former Soviet Unions economy, a factor that was expedited bytheir inability to afford such foreign ventures as their ten year war in Afghanistan. He then brought our war in Afghanistan and added, so why do we think we can succeed?”

Another focus of Ron Pauls speech was a legitimate claim to the illegitimate role that Federal Reserve plays in our nation and how an audit of the fed is the first step to ending the federal reserve.

From beginning to end, Ron Paul was bolstered by an audience that contained a percentage of loyal enthusiastic followers with whom Ron Paul could say nothing wrong. The supporters literally raised the roof for Ron at CPAC. But it was also many of these Pauliacs who yesterday threw epitaphs at Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as the former Vice President presented Rummy with the ACUs Defender of Freedom Award. Some of them were even heard shouting out, war criminals at the two. Such antics and behavior were certainly not representative of Ron Paul. While passionate in his beliefs, he is respectful and through the words of his speech, much of his logic is understood and accepted and ceratinly warrants a place in the debate. A fact which I wish I could say about some of his supporters.

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Is Ron Paul Hinting At Another Presidential Run In 2012?

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In an e-mail to supporters, Texas Congressman and Libertarian leaning 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul hinted that he may be thinking about another run at the White House in 2012. The e-mail, sent on behalf of the Liberty PAC, of which Paul is the honorary chairman, may have been the first concrete sign that the popular Ron Paul “Revolution” may be preparing to test the waters.

I have spent the last several months speaking to supporters and activists all across the country.

I’ve thought and prayed. I’ve sought the counsel of my wife, Carol, my children, my extended family, and my most trusted advisors.

As I look to my political future, there are several intriguing options I could pursue, and I need to gauge the existing financial support to back those options.

Our campaign did remarkable things in 2008, at first on a bare-bones budget, and much later, with the overwhelming support that launched our REVOLUTION.

The 2008 campaign helped launch Campaign for Liberty and the Tea Party movement, while laying the groundwork for the successful candidacies of pro-liberty candidates like Justin Amash, Mike Lee, and my son, Senator Rand Paul.

In fact, this current Congress includes more Liberty-leaning members than ever before.

And on the state level, the successes have been even greater.

Last year in New Hampshire alone, no less than 25 Liberty candidates won election to the New Hampshire State House or Senate, including longtime supporter Jim Forsyth winning a State Senate race, and other strong supporters like Andrew Manuse, Keith Murphy, Daniel and Carol McGuire, Jon Maltz, Cameron DeJong, Jenn Coffey, Norman Tregenza, and many more winning House seats.

In Iowa, three candidates endorsed by Liberty PAC went on to shock the establishment and win, including State Representatives Glen Massie and Kim Pearson and State Senator Kent Sorenson.

And across the country, folks like Drew Ivers, A.J. Spiker, and David Fischer in Iowa are ascending to positions of power in their local and state GOP Committees.

With special elections possible around the country and state elections to be held this year in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Virginia, I am confident you and I will see even more successes.

In fact, just last month, longtime supporter Kerry Roberts won the Republican nomination for a special election this March for a State Senate seat in Tennessee.

Now, I believe the time could well be right for our REVOLUTION to take its next step.

Our pro-Liberty movement could grow by leaps and bounds if we take the right steps.

I don’t think even I expected what has happened since we launched our fight in 2007.

Back then, no one had yet heard of the “Tea Party,” because these groups didn’t really exist. Yet, our supporters organized a record-setting $6 million dollar, one-day fundraising Moneybomb that sent shock waves through the political establishment.

That Moneybomb was held on December 16, 2007 – the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

It has long been said that the Boston Tea Party launched the American Revolution.

Well, in 2007, the REVOLUTION launched the “Tea Party”!

Now, I believe the time is right to take that next step to bring our message to even more waiting Americans. To take the fight to those who would steal our Liberty, our country.

To prove that America is ready for leaders who will take seriously their oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

The e-mail, although meant to raise funds for Liberty PAC, gives a subtle look into where the Texas Congressman is in his mind in regards to another Presidential bid. Could the “REVOLUTION” be brewing again? Most doubt it as Rep. Paul has been named chairman of the Congressional Subcommittee on Monetary Policy, allowing the End The Fed author to question and oversee the entity that he has advocated ending completely. Though seen as his dream chairmanship, a strong base of loyal supporters could push Dr. Paul into another run at the big chair in the oval office. Viva La Revolution?

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Rand Paul vs. Ron Paul. Are Two Pauls Running For President?

Bookmark and Share When asked during an interview with ABC news if freshman Senator Rand Paul would consider a run for President in 2012 he quite lightheartedlyclaimed that it was too early to consider that but his desire to shape the debate did lead him to keep the door open after stating “Come back and ask me in a few months,”. He also added that if nominated he will run.

Rand Paul also said that he does not see himself in the senate thirty years from now and trying to consolidate power through seniority. That is a big difference from his father, Texas Republican and leading libertarian Representative, Dr. Ron Paul. He has been in Congress for a total of more than 24 years.

Meanwhile, in considering a run for President, one must askRand if he would still see the need to shape the debate” by running for President if it meant competing with his father?

Congressman Ron Paul has himself finally made some moves that indicate, although he has not made a final decision about afourthrun for President, he is keeping the door open as he seriously considers it. Ron Paul has accepted an Invitation to address Iowa voters in a presidential lecture series for the social conservative activist group known as the Family Leader.

Former Minnesota Governor and soon to be Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty is speaking before that same group as a part of their lecture series, today.

Some may initially think that, a run for President by Rand Paul, just two years after being elected to the first office he ever ran in, is too soon. But the possibility of such a candidacy is certainly not out of the question. One newly elected Senator has had to go out of his way to let to supporters know that he will not be running for the White House in 2012. Floridas Marco Rubio is largely viewed as a rising star and he certainly has all the makings of a President. In many ways he is the Republican version of the rock star-like status that President Obama had with Democrats. And while Marco has even more electoral and leadership experience than President had at this same point in his career, President Obama, essentially began running for President about six months after he was elected to his first term in the Senate.

Still, the likelihood of freshman Senator Rand Paul running for President in 2012, is not high but it is not impossible either. Rand is not up for reelection in the Senate until 2016, so it is not like he would have to choose between the presidency and the senate. And if he really sees a need to shape the debate as far as spending and our mounting deficit goes, he could make a difference if he runs. But would he really see the need to do that if others like deficit hawk Mitch Daniels enters the race? And would he see the need to shape the debate if his father enters the race?

Ron Paul on the other hand can easily take another stab at it. Texas allows candidates to run for President and other positions at the same time. So he does not have to choose between the House of Representatives or the White House. He could run for both and still get reelected to the House after losing the Republican presidential nomination.

Most of the so-called Subway Series interview in which Rand Paul made his remarks about the presidency in 2012, discusses his position in spending and passionate desire to settle our national debt.Rand discusses, among other things, his desire to cut “all” foreign aid. He addresses at length his want to remain strong allies with Isreal but to also include them in his plight to end foreign aide. According to Rand Paul, they are one one of the richest per capita nations in the world” and he adds, “we are giving them money that we don’t have”

The interview which is conducted by Jonathan Karlis held on the D.C. Metro subway train, hence the “Subway Series” name.

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